Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Right way

The recent agreement between the University of North Carolina and Nike over athletic apparel is a remarkable and positive move toward improving labor rights.There has been a long history of Nike’s apparel manufacturing factories in countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia exploiting workers with poor conditions and substandard wages.North Carolina’s eight-year, $28.34 million agreement with Nike requires the company to expand the Fair Labor Association’s monitoring program and to disclose the locations of the plants where game uniforms are manufactured.


Exaggeration used too often in debate

I am pro-life. Fine. Each to his own, right? Yet I was surprised the other day to read that people who share that belief are right-wing, fundamentalist radicals who don’t know how to properly use the term genocide (“Pro-life exhibit vulgar propaganda,” “Genocide not an appropriate analogy,” SN 10/26). Though I can understand disagreement, let’s be honest.



Today is the day circled in red marker on thousands of little kids’ calendars. Children count the days until Halloween each year. Our job is not to ruin the day kids have been looking forward to.


House bill damages reproductive rights

Like many students on campus, I am concerned with reproductive freedom. Currently there is a bill, House Bill 4655, on the floor of the Michigan House that would infringe on the reproductive rights of any student who utilizes the services of our local Planned Parenthood.


Coach not to blame for teams mistakes

While reading the Opinion Page in Thursday’s State News I ran into the letter by Nick Friant criticizing Bobby William’s poor coaching job (“Coach disgraceful, dismiss Williams”). Now, I don’t watch a lot of football - college or otherwise - and I don’t claim to know the game.


Foreign studies

The potential drop in the number of international students studying in American colleges is an unfortunate circumstance of the Sept.


Railroad companies should take responsibility for bad crossings

Earlier this semester, when I was supposed to finish reading a journal article that needed to head for an editor, prep a lecture for class and evaluate a bunch of papers for my students, I was instead consumed with thoughts of something that affects everyone’s lives on campus. It concerned the railroad situation at MSU and the possibility of more deaths than we have had because of the seeming lack of concern by the railroad interests that grind the university to a halt before 8 a.m.


Sensitive safety

The anthrax scare earlier this month at Linton Hall shows that public safety workers must work with extreme sensitivity as they respond to possible biological or chemical terrorism acts.A university employee opened a suspicious letter Oct.


Wrong method

ASMSU’s Student Assembly did the right thing in not approving a bill Thursday to add a seat for Jewish student organizations.


Sharp proven for E.L. City Council

The election for two seats on East Lansing City Council is just around the corner. Students at MSU should make the effort to listen to the candidates and vote, even if it is inconvenient.


For the folks who stole my cell phone - crime just doesnt pay

A couple weeks ago, I noticed that my cell phone was missing. I didn’t think too much of it at first, as I’m notorious for losing things - pencils, money, train of thought - nothing is safe from my lack of organization.A couple days later, it dawned on me that despite my clumsiness with my personal property, I’m usually a bit more careful with devices and items that generally cost as much as my entire usable paycheck.So after a day of retracing my steps, and a careful search of drawers, boxes and pants, I concluded that my phone was lost.


Rest for the weary

Having to cope with any type of tragedy is not the best feeling in the world, but when there are people dedicated to helping others cope with traumatic experiences, there is a feeling of gratefulness and relief. Following the recent terrorist attacks, many lives were altered and the need for relief substantially increased.