Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Racial profiling deserves coverage

I am writing in response to the complaint made by Mike O’Bryan about the Meridian Mall case (“Meridian Mall case gets too much play,” SN 11/7). First, to answer his question was it “truly worthy of the front page of the State News?” Yes!


Womens bodies will be protected

So Ted O’Neil claims a majority of Americans disapprove of abortion (“Roe doesn’t make abortions moral,” SN 11/5). Well Ted, whether the majority of Americans disapprove is not important.


Refs OK, U-M lost game on its own

I would like to dispel the ridiculous idea that MSU benefited from bad officiating. After one of the University of Michigan penalties in the fourth quarter, the personal foul on Charles Rogers, I believe the referees mistakenly did not stop the clock as is required after a penalty is called.


Students needed abortion exhibit

The visit of “The Genocide Awareness Project” has spurred opinions in The State News lately, and as the president of MSU Students For Life, I would like to respond. First, one student wrote in a letter that she didn’t see “one pamphlet supporting counseling centers” (“Presentation does not solve problem,” SN 10/29). There were three, in addition to signs posted for crisis pregnancies and post-abortive counseling.


Equal protection

Tuesday’s election was a moral victory for gay rights supporters in Michigan, as ballots were cast in three cities in favor of anti-discrimination policies that include sexual orientation.Huntington Woods residents voted to approve a human rights ordinance passed by the city commission earlier this year that outlaws sexual orientation-based discrimination.In Kalamazoo and Traverse City, voters rejected a measure that would have amended the city charter to prohibit any ordinances to grant gays, lesbians or bisexuals “protected” status.While the voting ended in favor of the gay community, there is still more work that can be done.In April, Rep.


Balancing act

In the latest effort to resolve a $500 million state deficit, an executive order by Gov. John Engler could leave 590 Michigan residents without a job.On Tuesday, legislators approved the order, which includes cutting about $320 million from the state budget and transferring $180 million from state accounts toward fixing the deficit.Notably absent from Engler’s order, a delay in the single business and income tax cuts.


Wolverines just bad losers, sing for U

First of all, congratulations to the MSU football team for its awesome win over the Wolverines. Speaking of them, it’s too bad they are such poor losers who feel the need to verbally attack two innocent Spartan fans. While walking back from the game, three Michigan fans eavesdropped on a conversation I was having with a friend and proceeded to degrade our intelligence.


First birth makes med student grateful

I will turn 24 on Monday, and, as with any birthday, this one is being preceded by an assessment of the years already past. Accuracy and self-respect demand that I admit I have done nothing of any real worth since the day I was born.



The house fire Monday night on Sunrise Court is a tragedy for the students who lived there, but we hope it will call attention to the need for everybody to pay more attention to fire safety throughout the city. When looking for a place to live, students need to take note of the condition of the house, where it is and how old it is.


Coverage not equal for womens events

I was reading The State News on Monday and noticed there wasn’t an article about the women’s basketball game against the Premier All-Stars that happened on Sunday at Breslin Center.


Meridian Mall case gets too much play

I’m writing in response to the recent allegations of racial profiling against 10 black students who where asked to leave the Deb Shop at Meridian Mall. This has caused quite a situation in East Lansing, and I have a couple of complaints.


On loan

It’s that time of the semester again. The time when ASMSU’s loan service closes up shop, leaving penniless students, well - penniless. But that may be the smallest problem for our undergraduate student government’s bank service.


A little awareness

The Muslim Students’ Association is spending this week trying to teach our community about its culture - and that awareness has never been more important than now.Although the group’s Islam Awareness Week is an annual occurrence, the popularity of this year’s events will daunt the awareness weeks of the past.


Election Day brings back memories

It was perhaps the most frustrating night for American journalists - and I was one of them. The election of 2000. Yikes. By nightfall, every newsroom in the United States was in turmoil.


Cant push beliefs, but dont buy stock

Let’s recognize we are not an island. Our reliance upon the League of Nations assumed we were immune to outside influences and the result was World War II. We are pompous and puritanical if we assume our standards for human behavior is mandated to other societies.