Friday, September 20, 2024

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Not discrimination in Deb Shop case

While I tend to err on the side of the politically correct and am likely described as a liberal, I have a view on the Deb Shop case (“Companies apologize, give money to students,” 11/20) that runs contrary to those ideals. Let me understand this: I can get together nine of my friends, hang out in a Deb store being obnoxious (mind you Deb has a small store), loiter all I want and I won’t get thrown out because I am not a minority? I was not at the incident in question, but frankly this seems over the top.


Financial aid woes

Students nationwide are getting the short end of the stick when it comes to financial aid. Recipients of the Pell Grant, including more than 6,000 MSU students, are facing the possibility of an oversight that would provide no increase in next year’s aid package.There were bills passed by the U.S.


Bloody Afghan war just the beginning

“We injured them. So we pulled them out of the trenches and lined them up on the ground, and we drove the tank over them,” Farid, a northern alliance tank commander, told a CBS camera crew about killing 27 Taliban soldiers. Very effective, Farid.


Izzo deserves pay more than others

Tom Izzo is very deserving of his recent pay raise. Izzo’s salary is more than offset by the money that is brought in by the basketball program, from ticket sales, merchandise and TV revenue.


Columnist wrong on impact of obesity

I am usually a great fan of Rishi Kundi’s columns, so I was a bit dismayed to see him citing incorrect information in his recent opinion piece (“24 lessons in 24 years, Rishi looks back,” SN11/15). About 300,000 people a year do not die of obesity-related conditions, as The New England Journal of Medicine stated in a 1998 report. This number was evidently created based on a study that tracked fewer than 200 actual deaths out of the 115,000 women it surveyed.


Silly to think raise not due to coach

To whoever believes that Izzo does not deserve his salary increase, you’re silly. Not only does he deserve it, but he’s honestly earned it. Obviously it’s not about the money to him, because if it were he would have left coaching at the collegiate level when he was offered a job in the NBA.


Problem sets

MSU students in mathematics classes have a tradition of having a harder time with their courses than they should.


Comic not funny, just bashes race

In Nov. 8’s paper there was a “comic” strip that I and many others found very offensive. The strip, “The Boondocks” by Aaron McGruder, referred to African Americans no longer being the most hated ethnic group in America.


Save money by turning down heat

One night I was talking to someone and they mentioned the university could save more than $1 million if dorm residents would just shut off their lights when they weren’t needed. Well I have a grand idea of how the university can save money. How about turning down the heat in some of the campus buildings?


Coaches coach

The revolving door to the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics has been spitting out athletics directors faster than President M.


Positive exchange

ASMSU’s Student Assembly meeting with the East Lansing City Council on Thursday was the first time in a year the undergraduate student government had met with city officials.


Take math courses at other colleges

My fellow students, there you have it. The reason we all do so horrible in math is because we are not trying hard enough (“Math problems left unsolved,” SN 11/16). What a load. First off, approaching the instructors is of little good when you can’t understand them in the first place.


Savor turkey meal, SN reader says

In response to “Save turkeys from death this holiday,” SN 11/12: Yeah, I too am looking forward to sitting around in our new home with our family watching the Detroit Lions and treating ourselves to a delicious, moist, 20-pound turkey and mashed potatoes covered in gravy. Man, I know what you’re saying, I agree I can’t wait either.


Real Americans dont just wave flags, they care for each other

What kind of insensitive idiots dress up as black men for Halloween? Photographs from a fraternity party at Auburn University surfaced recently on the Internet showing white students wearing Ku Klux Klan costumes and in blackface. More pictures, this time from a University of Mississippi fraternity, surfaced showing a student dressed as a police officer holding a gun to the head of a student in blackface. Maybe they were exposed to toxic chemicals as children.


Setting the record straight...

The State News wrongly chastised seven members of the MSU Board of Trustees in an editorial Wednesday for not sending word to ASMSU that they couldn’t attend a forum to discuss if there is a need for a voting student member of the university’s governing body. Contrary to what we said, all eight trustees sent word to the undergraduate student government, either directly or through the board’s campus office that they couldn’t make it. We apologize for the error. But that doesn’t change the lack of communication that exists between trustees and students.


Kids need better gun safety lessons

I am writing in response to the article “Protect our kids” (SN 11/14). In this situation a 17-year-old took a teacher and student hostage with a .22 caliber rifle and a 20-gauge shotgun north of Detroit.