Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Band, football team come as package

I am writing in response to the letter “Band not worth sending to bowl” (SN 1/8). First of all, it is obvious that you know nothing about the band or anything that we are about.


Stop talking about mall incident

I am sick of hearing about the Meridian Mall case (“Meridian Mall group should help others,” SN 1/7) and even more sick of the “victims” still complaining about the injustice they’ve endured.


Watch and wait

MSU students may be envious of University of Michigan students now that they will have a two-day semester break every fall.


Coach hasnt proven his worth

I am a bit surprised at the new Bobby Williams contract extension (“Not worth it,” SN 1/7). I am a fan of MSU’s athletics program and, as an alumnus, expect the football program to start competing like the basketball program has.


Williams hasnt earned his pay

You are correct (“Not worth it,” SN 1/7). Bobby Williams has shown an average performance at best. My wife and I usually travel to two to three games a year.


Bad break

Although the Catholic Diocese of Lansing had every legal right to close the curtain on the Lansing Civic Players, its decision to do so was immoral. Censorship by any institution - public or private - is an injustice. On Dec.


Gun control wont stop the violence

I am appalled at what was said about gun control (“Gun control needed to hinder violence,” SN 1/7). These days, too many people are giving too much power to our government in order for them to control our lives even more.


America must eliminate its oil dependency

As much as I would like to write one of my typical columns in which I quote political leaders and shove facts and statistics down your throat to prove my point, I think I’m going to lay off this week.


Price gouge

The recent tuition hike approved by the Central Michigan University Board of Trustees is unreasonable and despicable. In December, the Central Michigan board voted to raise the school’s undergraduate tuition rate by 28 percent beginning in fall 2002 - which will cost full-time in-state students $498 more per semester on average.


Jury duty

American citizens are Constitutionally protected from double jeopardy - being tried twice for the same crime.


Williams doesnt deserve new deal

After a week of trying to find money that was not there to send the Spartan Marching Band to the Silicon Valley Football Classic, the administration decided there was enough money to give Bobby Williams a pay raise and a contract extension (“Not worth it,” SN 1/7). What has Williams done to deserve a raise?


Dead wrong

If there’s one lesson President Bush should have learned from his father’s presidency, it’s not to make promises you may not be able to keep. At a California rally on Saturday, Bush vowed he wouldn’t allow his 10-year, $1.35 trillion tax reduction plan to be reduced, shouting, “Not over my dead body will they raise your taxes” to the crowd.


Williams Knott the biggest loser

I was happy to see The State News has “Knott” forgotten to include Bobby Williams on the list of 2001’s biggest losers (“It doesn’t matter if you win or lose...,” SN 12/7). Although I agree with what you wrote, I feel that we, as a university, are the losers in this decision.


Not worth it

It seems like yesterday that university officials were leery about paying the bill for the Spartan Marching Band’s trip to the Silicon Valley Football Classic in San Jose, Calif.


New choices on campus means strong SN for U

Everyone on campus had a few more choices when they went out to pick up a newspaper this morning. With the start of the new semester, the Lansing State Journal and USA Today began distributing copies of their newspapers as part of the MSU Readership Program, which already includes The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal.