Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Lame talk

I t seems Gov. John Engler’s goals are too lofty as he plans for his 12th and final State of the State address tonight.


Bad calls

East Lansing residents should be more neighborly to one another so the city’s police force can turn its attention to more important matters. The State News reported last week that an increase in calls to handle petty theft, noise violations and vandalism are directly related to hindering the East Lansing Police Department’s ability to curb drunken driving and other serious crimes. In 1990, East Lansing police arrested 581 drunk drivers.


Price of college is too much for some

All I can say about this article is “Wow!” I think it’s very important that you wrote “Students find hope in aid” (SN 1/14). It’s very difficult to figure out what colleges students want to go to because of tuition.


Corporations not inherently bad, just greedy

A corporation is not at all like what you’d normally think of as a business, where owners start their own enterprise, pay their workers and are held responsible for the actions and successes or failures of their own company. A corporation is owned by members of the public - its shareholders.


Cartoon not funny, it was just mean

I just wanted to say the joke State News cartoonist Nate Allen made at Wendy’s hamburger chain founder Dave Thomas’ expense was in very poor taste (SN 1/14). Do you realize how much he did and gave toward children who want to be adopted?


Cash pangs

News from the state Capitol about higher education appropriations has been grim - to say the least. State Sen.


Lawmakers should help steady tuition

It is unreasonable that MSU officials have suspended the Tuition Guarantee and raised tuition a whopping 8.9 percent (“Tuition Guarantee troubled,” SN 1/17). While this is not quite as bad as the large increases at Central Michigan University, it is still hardly warranted.


Live the dream

Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday should be a day of reflection and celebration. Students should keep this in mind during Monday’s holiday. The university canceled classes during MLK Day for a three-year trial period, which ended last year.


Dont promise what U cant deliver

I was very distraught when I read about tuition being raised again (“Tuition Guarantee troubled,” SN 1/17). I come from a small town and I really don’t know much about big-city living, but where I come from a guarantee is only as good as the man who gives it. That really doesn’t say too much about the trustees.


No guarantees

The Tuition Guarantee is dead. It’s been dead. Somebody please bury it so we can move on to better things. In the face of the dismal state budget forecast released Tuesday, it is unlikely MSU will receive a preferred level of funding from Michigan lawmakers.


Booting play shows lack of compassion

While the church is not at all obligated to host the play and they do not “support homosexuality,” I do agree with The State News in that shutting down the play makes the church appear intolerant (“Bad Break,” SN 1/9). In reality, if a play with homosexuality cannot be performed in this church, then neither should one with divorce, theft, murder, sexual immorality, eating rabbits or pigs, or wearing clothing woven of two different kinds of materials. Truthfully, we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God.


Class cuts

It’s agitating that a major university can’t do a better job managing class scheduling and show more respect to its students who enroll in them. More than 350 spring semester classes were canceled by university officials, and many sections within departments have been combined.


Lab limits

Restricting the hours off-campus students have access to computer labs will create a variety of inconveniences. Beginning this semester, computer labs are no longer being monitored by lab assistants.