Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Bright future

It’s good to know MSU will reap in a few benefits in light of economic heartaches. University officials announced Thursday that MSU’s National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory will receive a 50 percent funding increase for the next five years.


Abortion challenges American liberties

The verdict of Roe v. Wade gave the right to define the beginning of human life to the individual. Leaders and citizens of the United States through history have worked to uphold the inalienable rights of every individual, particularly the vulnerable and the undervalued.


Big goodbye

It seems Gov. John Engler is confused. In his final State of the State address Wednesday evening, the Republican leader said, “Our state is strong.


Capitalistic values leave no room for campaign finance reform

As I was sitting at my computer contemplating what to write about, my first inclination was to put together an objective piece about campaign finance reform. With Congress returning to session this week, there is a discharge petition pending in the House to force a vote on the Shays-Meehan campaign finance measure.


Dont fault U for tuition increases

In past issues of The State News, many students have blasted MSU for its inability to maintain the Tuition Guarantee. It is no fault of the university for trying to avoid herding us like cattle into large 700-person lecture halls where students get no personal attention.


United voices

Members of MSU’s undergraduate student government are right to throw their hats in the ring to lobby for adequate levels of state funding. ASMSU’s Academic Assembly approved a resolution Tuesday to lobby for increased state appropriations and against a proposed tuition increase cap.


ELPD fully capable of protecting city

The recent article and editorial in The State News, regarding the drop in drunken driving arrests since 1990, paints an inaccurate picture of the capacity of the East Lansing Police Department to deliver basic police services.


A step backward

There is no such thing as being too safe. MSU students who walk around campus late at night need programs like StateWalk to ensure they arrive at their destinations safely.


Be prepared

It’s comforting that people are remaining calm about the death of a 25-year-old graduate student from bacterial meningitis.


Haircut experience brings fears of balding

My father is bald. My father is as bald as the day is long. There is so little hair left on his pate that, from a distance, his remaining mane appears to be a strap keeping his glasses from falling off of his head. What’s terrifying about Pop is that in photos from the early ’70s, he has a thick, shiny mop.


Alumni fees for IM use cost arm, leg

Like many recent graduates, times are tight for me right now. I have a full-time job making decent money, but paying off student loans and trying to establish a relatively respectable credit rating have really put a clamp on my pocketbook. As I’ve recently moved back to the MSU area, I thought a great way to save some extra dough would be to simply use the intramural facilities at MSU rather than spending a ridiculous amount of money on a gym membership. Imagine my disappointment when I learned that although I paid about $40,000 on my education and will be paying off student loans until my children are ready to go to college, it costs $10 for an IM alumni pass and $5 each visit to an IM facility.


Wendys founder deserves respect

I was very upset and disappointed by the cartoon Nate Allen drew of Dave Thomas and cows (SN 1/14). It’s too bad Allen or the editorial staff never got to know Thomas by reading his books, meeting him or knowing the good things he has done for thousands of people.


Hard choice

U.S. military leaders should decide how to label Taliban and al-Qaida captives being detained at Camp X-Ray in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.


Tuition hike unjust,

In the past year, despite the large tuition increase, we have not seen the administration do anything that will justify another such hike. Here are a few ways that MSU used its money in the past year: a raise for men’s basketball head coach Tom Izzo (OK he has led us to a few Final Four appearances and a national championship), a raise for football head coach Bobby Williams (he barely had a winning season, even with a talent loaded team), new Dodge Dakotas for parking services.


Dont raise rates, still fat left to trim

After reading articles in The State News and the Detroit Free Press regarding the death of the MSU’s Tuition Guarantee, one theme seemed prevalent -“how to trim the fat.” The majority opinion was that MSU has no fat to trim.