Friday, September 20, 2024

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Choices, decisions are part of what makes living life interesting

Sometimes the clock drives me crazy. It just doesn’t stop. We are so controlled by time that I find myself wasting too much precious time or trying to kill time while I’m waiting to do something more exciting. But what bothers me more than the endless ticking of my watch is wondering if I’m making the wrong choices.


Politics shouldnt affect SNs opinion

I found the editorial “Engler games,” (SN 2/1) laughable. The State News clearly fears a GOP majority on the MSU Board of Trustees yet admitted in its own editorial that “votes typically are not made along party lines.” If that’s true, why does it matter what party the next trustee is from? The State News cries for the governor to maintain “partisan equilibrium.” Did this newspaper seek “partisan equilibrium” when Democrats held the majority?



If the leaders of MSU’s undergraduate student government want students to shell out an extra $3 in taxes each semester, they need to explain themselves. A joint session of ASMSU’s Student and Academic assemblies on Thursday approved measures to increase the organization’s student tax by $3 per semester.


Logic is needed in abortion debate

It was refreshing to read Rishi Kundi’s commentary on the abortion debate (“Abortion debate often fueled by emotion, not facts,” SN 1/31). I have become more and more exasperated by the anti-abortion letters appearing in The State News.


Fair deal

The funding compromise struck between the leaders of Michigan’s 15 public universities and state lawmakers is a good deal for students’ wallets across the state. Gov.


Mason is right for top athletics spot

I am writing in response to Ruth Helmus’ inaccurate accounts of Ron Mason’s supposed dislike for women’s sports (“Mason is as biased as his predecessor,” SN 1/30). A quick review of the facts will show that her claims about Mason are false. I do concur with Helmus that the MSU athletics department has approached Title IX compliance in the wrong manner.


Snow dazed

It was only a matter of time before snow would pounded East Lansing. Students and staff should be happy the 12 to 13 inches of snow that came Wednesday night didn’t come sooner - we all knew warm temperatures couldn’t stick around for long. Along with snow comes dangerous roads, covered cars, missing salt trucks and students hoping class will be canceled.


Biblical wording is from Gods mouth

Saying that Matt Treadwell’s column on the Bible (”Biblical message found beyond wording” SN 1/30) was the worst column I have ever read would be the understatement of the year if my roommate hadn’t remarked that “Britney Spears looks good in spandex.” Why would he write a column about something that he obviously hasn’t thought about at all?


SNs Spartan spirit leads to bias report

While I was certainly dismayed about the vandalizing of Sparty, I was also upset about the way in which it was reported on the front page of Wednesday’s edition of The State News (“Yellow and blue paint hits Sparty, but runs green,” SN 1/30). The story showed no neutrality.


Engler games

Although Gov. John Engler is a proud MSU alumnus, he should stop meddling with the MSU Board of Trustees as if he were playing his personal game of political chess. It was announced Thursday the lame-duck governor will likely appoint Trustee Robert Weiss, a long-time Democrat, to fill a judgeship in Genesee County.


Even one word can change meaning

Matt Treadwell remarked that “the book known as the Bible... is not exempt from human error.” (“Biblical message found beyond wording,” SN 1/30) While I agree that sometimes mistakes are made in copying or translation, reading from a modern Torah scroll (the five books of Moses) in Hebrew is identical to reading from the Dead Sea Scrolls, even though there is a “publishing” gap of 2,000 years.


Timely topics

The focus of President Bush’s first State of the Union address Tuesday night was not only appropriate, but necessary. Bush spoke of his vision for the war on terrorism beyond Afghanistan to a dozen countries that he said harbor terrorists and “an axis of evil” of three more that seek weapons of mass destruction.



State and the local governments must work together if there is going to be any type of growth within Michigan cities.


Nonsmokers need smoke-free halls

This is in response to the editorial “Smoke Free” (SN, 1/ 29). The State News’ commentary suggests that students who wish to live in a smoke-free environment should have a right to do so.