Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



About time

It’s about time former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic goes on trial Tuesday before a U.N.


Mandatory service not such a bad idea

In response to U.S. Rep. Nick Smith’s mandatory military service bill, Shaun Reed wrote, “To force young Americans to serve their country in the form of military service is not a democratic policy” (“Duty to country is served every day,” SN 2/6). Why not?


RHA representative does his job well

I wanted to commend Timothy Liss on his letter, “SN report didn’t consider all voices” (SN 2/8). I feel Liss has a much better understanding of what the Residence Halls Association as an organization is there for (“to help improve the campus and the lives of the students living on it”) than people like Case Hall RHA Rep.


Politicians have much to learn from McCains campaign examples

When Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., campaigned to become our nation’s chief executive in 2000, he communicated a message of patriotism, hope and an unabashedly fervent belief in the American dream. Hard-core Republican reactionaries feared McCain because he was not conservative enough for their liking.


Identity crisis

When officials from around the United States meet with the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators to discuss the possibility of government-issued national ID cards, it is imperative that they consider citizens’ privacy. Debates about ID cards and their distribution have been steadily brewing since the Sept.


Stereotype contains factual information

Regarding your article “Group protests depiction on flier” (SN 2/7), the complaints about the advertisement for “Kung Pow: Enter the Fist” seem to be the ad is discriminatory against Asian Americans because it 1) refers to consumption of dog meat, and 2) contains exaggerated physical features.


SN biased against Republican board

Last week, I read an editorial that said Gov. John Engler is sabotaging the Board of Trustees by removing a Democratic member through an appointment to the bench (“Engler games,” SN 2/1). For some reason, the blame was on Engler for making a nonpartisan decision to give someone a chance to realize a dream that very few have a chance to do.


Winning spirit

If the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks were testimony to the violence and hate that can grow inside the darkest corners of the human heart, Friday’s opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City illustrated the human ability to illuminate the globe with ideals of peace and love that ripen within our passions. During that ceremony, a 12-year-old boy, referred to as the Child of Light, was introduced to the world to represent the ability of the human spirit to overcome life’s adversities.


Engler decisions not good for U

Thank you for the editorial on Gov. John Engler’s crude, self-serving attempt to become president of our university (“Musical chairs,” SN 2/7). It is amazing when one considers how stupid he must think his fellow Spartans are to believe him when he says he wouldn’t let political considerations influence his decisions on who should serve our university.


Stop imagining the Jesus of reality

Which Jesus? Which differences? Those were my two questions as I read Matt Treadwell’s column “When it comes to faith, big picture more important than minor details” (SN 2/6). Some differences like ice cream preferences don’t matter.


Legal abortion only safe alternative

I am writing in response to the letter “Abortion fueled by casual sex culture” (SN 2/5). The letter writer writes, “Until we get past our view of sex as recreational sometimes and reproductive other times, we will continue to rely on abortion,” and, “In order to maintain our current lifestyle, abortion is necessary to clean up the mistakes.” First of all, sex is recreational at times, and this is not specific to our own culture.


SN report didnt consider all voices

I was “unimpressed,” as The State News would say, with the article “Students upset over RHA trip” (SN 2/5). First of all, it needs to get its facts straight, especially concerning the apology.



The flyers that appeared on campus promoting the movie “Kung Pow: Enter the Fist,” a kung-fu movie parody, were grossly inappropriate for a campus with such a diverse background. The flier, which was spotted at the Wonders Hall front desk Jan.


Soda pop stop

If some state health officials and lawmakers have their way, students in Michigan’s elementary, middle and high schools won’t be able to purchase soda pop from hallway vending machines. This possibility could rank among the most ridiculous legislation considered at the state Capitol this decade. Health officials rallied Wednesday to support a bill that would prohibit the sale of soda pop in Michigan elementary and middle schools and would limit its sale in high schools.


Musical chairs

Gov. John Engler’s latest appointment to the MSU Board of Trustees has brought with it speculation about the lame-duck chief executive’s future political aspirations. Within two years, Engler has bypassed the electoral process and changed the partisan powers on the MSU board from a 5-3 Democrat majority to a 5-3 GOP majority - a tilt that benefits his own party affiliation. Engler has said he tries to keep politics out of decisions which will affect the universities. “I’d look for the best person,” he told The State News prior to Tuesday’s appointment of Republican Randall Pittman to a trustee seat.


Understanding Enron is easy when you compare energy to apples

The Enron Corp. scandal is dominating print and broadcast news, and every day, developments in the matter are announced with ever more shocked voices, in ever more ominous tones. But the Enron scandal, like most ongoing news, is a little bit like “Rex Morgan, M.D.” or “Judge Parker” or any of the serious comics nobody reads.