Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Affirmative action opponents pose one-sided, racist argument

Maybe five times I have said something positive about the University of Michigan. Like with many rivalries, sporting events elicited this bias, which was eventually directed against the university’s students, its academic quality, and even the school as a whole. Soon the 6th Circuit Court will issue a ruling on affirmative action at U-M, a ruling with broad implications on the admissions policies of all public universities. The ruling may break from the Supreme Court’s precedent in University of California v.


Dont drill here

It was a good move for the state Senate to end decades of slant drilling under the Great Lakes. The state Senate passed a bill banning directional drilling on Michigan’s Great Lake shorelines by a vote of 28-5 on Wednesday.


American attack on Iraq is uncalled for

Iraq is not a danger to U.S. security, and any military attack on Iraq is inappropriate. There is no evidence that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, and there is no evidence Iraq was in any way tied to al-Qaida or any other radical militant organization.


Six rules for shopping like a manlier man

We’re in that long stretch of gray and featureless time between winter and spring breaks in which the days of class and work seem to smear together into one long slouch festooned in banners of dirty slush. It’s a time during which I can’t go home to stock up on food.


Beneficial ban

The Ingham County Board of Commissioners’ made the right decision Tuesday in passing a ban on smoking in most county businesses. The proposal was passed by a vote of 11-2, and would require businesses that allow smoking to create a separate room with ventilation directed to the outside. Enforcement of the proposal will be done on a by complaint basis. Originally, bars, bingo halls and restaurants were a part of the smoking ban proposal, but they were excluded after owners of such establishments argued the smoking ban would negatively impact business. We agree.


Tell loved ones you care while you can

Romando J. Dixson’s column (“A lot of tears, time needed in getting over the death of a loved one,” SN 2/8) spurred me to take the time to write a response. Three years ago, I awoke in my darkened Holden Hall room to receive a phone call that would alter my life, perceptions of life, and beliefs forever.


APASO takes stand against prejudice

Recently, a flier promoting the film “Kung Pow: Enter the Fist” was distributed on MSU’s campus (“Group protests depiction on flier,” SN 2/7). This flier displayed an utter lack of knowledge about Asian culture and promotes many racial stereotypes including the incorrect assumption that all Asians eat dog meat.


Housing help

Students, East Lansing residents and landlords will benefit when the East Lansing Housing Commission makes revisions to a housing ordinance passed in 1998. The ordinance requires every rental property to have a rigorous inspection by 2009.


Truth in stereotypes doesnt justify them

In her letter to the editor, Ellen Conser points out a certain widespread stereotype recently used in a movie poster is based upon some fact (“Stereotype contains factual information,” SN 1/11). All stereotypes are based loosely upon some small grain of truth, they are just tremendous exaggerations of these tiny bits of truth. A venture onto the World Wide Web reveals every U.S.


Munn crowd needs more cheer, pep

Let’s face it. The crowd at Munn Ice Arena is spoiled. Where else can a hockey team be tied 0-0 for two periods with an unranked team while the crowd is virtually nonexistent?


Bright ideas

MSU President M. Peter McPherson has a knack for looking to the future despite present economic hardships. “The economic downturn increases the challenges MSU faces in maintaining the momentum achieved over the years of extraordinary progress,” he said during his ninth annual State of the University address on Tuesday at Wharton Center’s Pasant Theatre. “MSU is better able to respond to these and other challenges because we have been working for increased high quality and cost control for a number of years… MSU’s long-term planning is producing long-term benefits.” The next year could prove the heftiest budget crunch McPherson has had to deal with in his tenure at MSU.


Age bias shown in column on Friends

I just finished reading Leslie Escobar’s commentary on her favorite show “Friends,” which is also my favorite show (“‘Friends’ is quality money-grubbing entertainment,” SN 2/6). One comment she made really offended me, and I felt it was completely uncalled for.



When MSU police Officer Ann Stahl joins the Department of Police and Public Safety’s Detective Bureau on March 1 as an alcohol education officer, we hope she is up to a tough challenge before her. Stahl will be charged with working alongside Olin Health Center, the Residence Halls Association and mentors to educate MSU students.


Fighting prejudice isnt about whining

I am writing in response to a prejudicial comment made by Ellen Conser (“Stereotype contains factual information,” SN 2/11). Conser not only suggested that no negative stereotyping was presented on a racially biased flier, she went further to state that Asian American students are “just aching to seek personal advantage or the spotlight,” referring to an incident which took place at Meridian Mall.


Work together

It’s important for MSU’s undergraduate student governing groups like the Residence Halls Association and ASMSU to foster relationships with similar organizations from other institutions to address student issues and concerns in the best ways possible. Unfortunately, maintaining those relationship is not easy. On one side, there is ASMSU, which has been involved with the Associated Students of the Big Ten since the conglomerate was formed in 1993.