Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Good example

MSU needs to follow the University of Michigan’s lead with its graduate contract settlement. Without holding an all-out strike, U-M administrators and the Graduate Employees Organization were able to come to an agreement.


Go vote

Voter turnout across this campus is getting more pathetic each time students are asked to go to the polls.


Funding board has been responsible

I am compelled to respond to Margaret Durfy’s letter concerning the actions of the Funding Board (“ASMSU spends ‘U’ dollars unwisely,” SN 3/15). The letter contains unsubstantiated and completely false allegations.


Taxed out

MSU’s undergraduate student government has a lot of questions to answer if it hopes to restore credibility to the organization and any of its referendum items to be voted on during this week’s universitywide elections. It seems ASMSU leaders will make an effort to do that at 7 p.m.


Inflated grades

Grades should reflect the amount of work students accomplish in their classes, as well as the level of intellectual ability students have.


U has made strides on LBGT concerns

Thanks to The State News for the editorial “Work not done” (SN 3/15). The editorial correctly notes more must be accomplished to achieve true acceptance of MSU’s students, faculty and staff members who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.


Postponement was necessary action

The State News should be more nitpicky with what it prints in its editorials (“Election errors,” SN 3/14). In the editorial, The State News attacked the All University Election Commission for the elections impasse.


Election commission shouldnt take blame

Contrary to the manner in which I was portrayed in The State News article “Student elections postponed” (SN 3/14), I appreciate the work and time the All University Election Commission has dedicated to elections.


Sexual assault not just womens issue

I was pleased Gov. John Engler named March GHB Awareness Month (“Engler sets March for GHB awareness,” SN 3/15). I thought the article did a good job of raising awareness about the dangers of gamma hydroxybutyrate. Unfortunately, like so many articles about rape, this one seemed to focus exclusively on women and victims.


Vote yes or no, but know the issue

I am writing in response to the letter titled “Don’t support tax increase for ASMSU” (SN 3/13). The letter insinuates that ASMSU members spend tax money on themselves, which is not the case.


Poor leaders

The mismanagement of student tax dollars has become a common trend for the Residence Halls Association.


Show Izzo respect, let him complain

I respect and enjoy reading The State News, but I can’t help but to criticize Tuesday’s editorial (“Spilled milk,” SN 3/12). The condemnation of men’s basketball head coach Tom Izzo in regards to questioning the standards of the NCAA Selection Committee is utterly ridiculous.


Setting the record straight...

The State News editorial “Election errors” (SN 3/14) erroneously reported the number of James Madison College students and members of the college’s Student Senate on ASMSU’s All University Election Commission.


Work not done

While there have been improvements at MSU concerning awareness of the lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender community, there’s still a long way to go before true acceptance on campus can be achieved. In 1992, the University-Wide Task Force on Lesbian and Gay Issues and MSU published “Moving Forward,” a report that assessed the climate toward the LBGT community and identified ways to improve that quality of life.


SN should print less, not raise student tax

I believe I have found a way that The State News does not need to raise its tax to $5 a semester. I work in Holden Hall, and every evening I throw away about 100 papers because students have not picked them up to read.