Friday, September 20, 2024

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Graduate contract could hurt U most

In Tom Smucker’s letter (“Need for contract affects ‘U’ majority,” SN 3/20), he claims the Graduate Employees Union is supported by a majority of graduate students, and the participation of “hundreds of graduate employees” in union activities is evidence of a majority initiative.


All shouldnt pay bill for floor vandalism

I couldn’t agree more with the sentiments expressed by the McDonel Hall residents who are footing a large bill due to vandalism (“U’ irked by hall damage rule,” SN 3/14). Since when does cleaning up other people’s messes constitute a moral obligation?


Students shouldnt pay more for ASMSU

We attended ASMSU’s town hall discussion Tuesday night. ASMSU has the gall to come to the student body and ask for a $3 tax increase, which will put its projected revenue over $1 million.


Striking not a bad solution for union

Your editorial board recommended the Graduate Employees Union follow the University of Michigan graduate union’s example by settling a contract without a strike (“Good example,” SN 3/19). If U-M’s Graduate Employees Organization was able to win a contract this year, it was precisely because of our ability to strike.



A law signed by Gov. John Engler in December, though meant to make people more patriotic, is not inclusive of all Americans and stands only to defeat Constitutional rights. Most Americans probably don’t blink an eye at the national motto, “In God We Trust,” and a bill passed stating that the motto could be displayed in schools and other governmental buildings.


Fair move

If one state lawmaker has his way, MSU could be asked to step right up to become the future host of the Michigan State Fair.


Hosting state fair could be problematic

In response to “Officials discuss moving fair to ‘U’” (SN 3/20), I did my undergraduate work at the University of Minnesota and the Minnesota State Fair bordered the agricultural campus in St.


Stereotypes used in SN article on AIDS

This is in response to the article “Speaker discusses Third World AIDS crisis” (SN 3/19). In the light of cultural understanding, I was surprised to open The State News and read this statement: “Gulick said one major reason Africa has the highest number of estimated cases is because the culture promotes unsafe sex.” I would not expect such a generalization from a highly educated medical practitioner.


Detroits problems not from outsiders

It’s about time someone spoke up for Detroit. All MSU students can benefit from reading Tameria Warren’s recent column in defense of her hometown (“Don’t criticize Detroit if you’re not working to solve its problems,” SN 3/18). I have always been fond of the city and the events it offers.


Student demand cause for increase

In light of recent articles, editorials and letters published in The State News, I feel compelled to discuss why students should vote in favor of the ASMSU student tax increase this week.


Baby steps

ASMSU deserves kudos for taking a step in the right direction toward fixing its financial mishaps, but there’s still much more work to be done in light of budget problems of recent years. The undergraduate student government approved a 22-page set of financial bylaws last week, updating the three-page document adopted in 1992.


Need for contract affects U majority

In response to Matt Mitroka’s letter (“Negotiation tactics won’t help students,” SN 3/14), I would remind readers that the Graduate Employees Union won an election to represent MSU graduate employees by a margin of 3 to 1. The fact that hundreds of graduate employees have participated in recent union activities does not suggest that the union is acting on behalf of a minority.



As a nation, we have learned the hard way that our borders are not free from the wrath of terrorists willing to push their political agendas by taking the lives of themselves and thousands of innocent people. The Sept.


Students can benefit from tax increase

In his letter, Eric Smith portrays ASMSU representatives as cigar-smoking bureaucrats who just waste students’ tax money (“Don’t support tax increase for ASMSU,” SN 3/13). Let’s get real.