Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Consider adoption before abortion

In “Making the Choice” (SN 3/21), the woman featured said “I’m 19-years-old, I’m not going to be able to raise a baby.” What about the 2 million people in America who will be on a waiting list to adopt a child for two years? The 5-1/2-week fetus aborted had eyes, arms and legs, developing muscles and bones and a beating heart. Whether you want to think about it, having an abortion causes a life to end.


Horowitz speech gave generalizations

Reading of David Horowitz’s visit in The State News, I found it rather amusing he would toss generalizations as handily as he accuses the Black Student Alliance of doing the same (“Horowitz’s speech criticizes leftists, Black Student Alliance,” SN 3/22). Since I have been going to MSU, I have never been told what political views to hold or whether affirmative action is right or wrong.


Do the work

Almost everyone remembers having a substitute teacher at some point in their K-12 education. It’s a day when students usually pass notes, talk to their friends or sometimes don’t even bother showing up for class. If the state House passes a bill dropping substitute teacher requirements from 90 college credit hours to 60, such a scenario could happen more often all over the state.


Good parenting prevents police run-ins

If you don’t want your teenage children to get roughed up by police, then teach them not to steal cars. That’s what I would have told a group of about a dozen people who turned out at a meeting earlier this month to discuss an investigation into Lansing police officers’ use of force in arresting two teens. For those of you not familiar with this story, let me offer you a quick recap.


Cultural cues

Sometimes the best way to learn about a culture is not sitting at a desk in a classroom and listening to a professor lecture about it.


Off the field

American culture has an unhealthy way of looking to its athletic heroes as demigods who live outside the rules of normal society.


Taking pride

Black students should be able to recognize both their culture and successful graduation during commencement weekend. Based on a program at the University of Michigan, the Black Celebratory will recognize graduating black students’ achievements at a May 3 ceremony. The program also brings attention to the low minority retention rates.


Black event racist despite open invite

I am responding to the article “Graduation event stirs debate” (SN 3/22). Not to come off as being racist or anything of that nature, but if this second graduation was for white people only it would be deemed as seriously prejudicial. The event is open to all races.


Shifty moves

Lame-duck Gov. John Engler should quit trying to play the godfather by making Michigan judges offers they can’t refuse during his final months in office. The chief executive hoped to move an early retirement plan for judges through the Legislature before lawmakers broke for a two-week vacation this week.


Slam dunk

R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Women’s basketball head coach Joanne P. McCallie asked for it during this season’s kickoff celebration, and while it may have taken a while for her to get it, it’s better late than never.


Taylor not ready to consider pro option

I am writing in response to Marcus Taylor’s decision to go pro or stay in school (“Taylor ticker,” SN 3/20). It really makes me sick, as a Spartan, to see he could be considering turning pro.