Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Day off needed to honor Jesus life

Each spring semester at MSU, I am bothered by the university’s choice of vacation days. MSU is closed only for six days throughout the spring semester and five of them are given for spring break.


Book review lacked informed opinion

I am writing concerning Dan Julian’s book review of “How to Quit Church without Quitting God” (“‘How to Quit Church’ thoughtful, provocative,” SN 4/2). I understand The State News is trying to gain some cultural capital by reviewing books, but perhaps it should just stick to what it knows.


Taylor ought to keep commitment to U

Marcus Taylor’s announcement to enter the NBA Draft was yet another in a disturbing trend of athletes exiting school early because of the almighty dollar. I remember Taylor as he donned an MSU hat as a high-school senior.


Alcohol attitudes are in need of changing

First, I would like to question the intentions of The State News when it published the mug shots of the four students charged with providing alcohol to Eric Blair (“Case could change ‘U’ parties,” SN 3/28). If this is a new policy, I expect the mug shots of every local person arrested to be printed in the police briefs.


File-sharing hurts all in music industry

I read with interest Kristen VanDusen’s attempt to justify using music-sharing services like Napster, Gnutella and Music City (“File-sharing is wave of the future, music industry can’t stop it,” SN 3/25). It’s odd an advertising senior would begrudge people making a profit from their products. VanDusen seems to have a common misconception.


Helping out

Greater Lansing offers community service programs for everyone from teenagers to retirees. Individuals who are taking an active part in their community should be commended. If change starts with the young, members of the Youth Action Team are paving the way to the future.


Candidates should be profiled in SN

I must say I found The State News’ coverage of ASMSU elections most disappointing. The State News should have interviewed and listed the candidates before the election with information such as their political backgrounds so we could get some sort of idea who to support.


Dad provides ideal career role model

On the wall of my dad’s office there hangs a folded up piece of paper with the words “Your an great princebul Mr. Ronko” scrawled on it in black crayon. My dad, an elementary school principal since 1993, always has been great. He was the coolest guy ever when I was a kid.


Free speech

It took 105 years and a ridiculous accusation, but a state appeals court panel did the right thing Monday and ruled Michigan’s archaic law banning vulgar language in front of women and children unconstitutional. The statute, enacted in 1897 and revised in 1931, states that anyone using “indecent, immoral, obscene, vulgar or insulting language in the presence or hearing of any woman or children shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.” The law became the center of controversy after the 1999 conviction of Timothy Joseph Boomer for violating it. After tumbling out of his canoe into Michigan’s Rifle River, near West Branch, Boomer was heard uttering a string of swear words by a woman and her children. Boomer was ticketed by law enforcement officers upon the conclusion of his trip and found guilty of violating the 1897 statute by an Arenac County jury. The swearer contested the decision on the grounds that it violated his First Amendment right to free speech, but that argument was rejected by two local judges.



Members of the Council of Graduate Students and the Graduate Employees Union should work together, or else face the risk of hurting the constituencies they represent. COGS, established in 1969, represents MSU’s entire graduate student body, or 8,000 students.


Students shouldnt be guilty for death

I was appalled to learn the university may seek consequences against the students who charged Eric Blair to enter their party this fall (“‘U’ could review student charges,” SN 3/27). As if it is not enough the Ingham County prosecutor has decided to bring charges against these students.


Laugh it up

In an attempt to please everyone all the time, The State News will no longer be written by hired staff.


Using terrorist attacks to make point diminishes their importance

I have discovered a clever new marketing tactic to rejuvenate polyester fabric in today’s clothing market. The polyester industry could release a television commercial with various people proclaiming, “My purchase of a cotton shirt sustained the vitality of the cotton industry,” followed by the final statements, “Osama bin Laden wears cotton clothing,” and “Cotton supports terror.


Womens basketball deserves applause

Where does Steve Thomas get off writing such a negative letter on the women’s basketball team (“Women’s basketball is good, not great,” SN 3/25)? And why does the paper print it? This team has done one heck of a job this past season and should be proud of what they have accomplished.


Point guard not ready for NBA play

I was finally able to gloat to University of Michigan fans after the Ed Martin debacle, and then something happened at my own alma mater that is so ridiculous, so devoid of reason, as to boggle the mind.