Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



U shouldnt have day off for Jesus

This is a response to Chad Stimson’s letter to the editor “Day off needed to honor Jesus’ life” (SN 4/3). You say you fully understand the separation of church and state, then you say Jesus was a good man who dedicated his life spreading the Word of God. What definition of separation of church and state do you fully understand?


Border patrol

It’s understandable that during the last eight months, American security has been elevated to the highest level possible.


More people should have heard speech

I am writing in response to David Satcher’s campus visit (“Former surgeon general speaks to ‘U’ about health care backgrounds,” SN 4/2). Satcher gave an articulate, well-informed lecture.


City government not, college-oriented

As I read The State News on Wednesday morning, I could not help but feel the hypocrisy in what Mayor Pro Tem Sam Singh stated (“City designates rental buyback as a priority,” SN 4/3). In the article, Singh said “we have always had priorities with students in mind.” I believe these statements are hollow at best.


Student shouldnt complain about food

As a Christian, I was saddened to read Allison Thompson’s letter regarding Lenten cafeteria fare (“Observing religion hard to do in cafs,” SN 4/4). I could only imagine her standing at the foot of the cross, complaining about the menu.


Go green meals

Despite not making the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals’ top 10 list of colleges that provide acceptable means for vegetarians and vegans, University Housing and MSU’s cafeterias are doing a good job working to provide meatless options for students. PETA surveyed nearly 4,000 self-described typical vegetarian students nationwide and followed up with analysis from 45 college food service departments.


Catholic missed the point of Lent ritual

I read with great interest Allison Thompson’s letter describing the difficulties she faced attempting to observe her religion’s Lenten restriction on eating meat on Fridays, given the food choices available in her residence hall cafeteria (“Observing religion hard to do in cafs,” SN 4/4). Thompson criticized what she characterized as unappetizing vegetarian dishes, fish covered with plastic wrap, and macaroni and cheese as not meeting her need for “good, warm sustenance.” Apparently she feels the Friday Lenten menu should substitute lobster for burgers. Thompson complained about “suffering through 40 days of Lent as a Catholic” just before explaining the purpose of the Catholic tradition is “to remember the suffering Jesus endured.” It sounds like she missed the point. Katie Donnelly 1981 graduate


Student government doesnt do anything

I find the lack of a quorum at recent ASMSU meetings reflects on how much campus as a whole really doesn’t give a damn (“Quorum trouble plagues ASMSU,” SN 4/1). There are more than 35,000 people attending or affiliated with MSU.


Housing help

It’s nice to know East Lansing city officials are keeping students in mind while making its rental buyback program a No.


Inform the public

While the Residence Halls Association deserves some credit for making changes to become more accountable for how it spends its money, it still has not come clean to students about the mismanagement of their tax dollars that necessitated the change in the first place. The association’s general assembly approved a bill last week to create an events board responsible for RHA Movies and RHA Special Events.


Observing religion hard to do in cafs

Thank you Amy Bartner. Your column about the cafeteria’s meals being subpar is right on the money (“Cafe Passover meals not on par with mom’s kosher home cooking,” SN 4/3). While I am not Jewish, I suffered through 40 days of Lent as a Catholic attempting to choke down the meals the cafeteria served.


Caf Passover meals not on par with moms kosher home cooking

My mother makes a mean matzah lasagna. Even with the limited selection of delectable (yes, that’s sarcasm) kosher-for-Passover foods available in grocery stores, I take comfort in knowing there will be homemade matzah-ball soup and matzah lasagna at home waiting for me.


Take action

If one wants to change the world, it cannot be done by talk alone. Talking about it is just one step, but action is where the answer lies in making ideas reality. Minority students and other university leaders met Monday evening in the Union Ballroom for an annual town hall meeting to discuss important issues concerning MSU’s minority community.


SN stance on union talks one-sided

Throughout the five-month negotiation process between the Graduate Employees Union and the administration, I have been consistently disappointed by The State News’ editorial stance.