Saturday, September 21, 2024

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U should lighten up about fraternity actions

As occasionally happens at this university, the campus is up in arms over the actions of members of a fraternity. For those of you under a rock, members of the Pi Kappa Phi chapter at MSU decided to enter Mason and Abbot Halls’ cafeterias two weeks ago wearing pink, sleeveless T-shirts with the slogans “Capt.


Blatant anti-Semitic message displayed

This is in response to the letter “Sign didn’t equate star with swastika” (SN 4/16). The sign displaying the Star of David (or the Israeli flag, as the student stated in her letter) equaling a swastika had no other message but anti-Semitism.


Article was good, but team needs coverage

As an MSU athlete, I feel compelled to express my feelings about the article, “Coach retires after nearly 4 decades” (SN 3/26). It recognized a great man. John Narcy has coached and built the MSU Diving Team for the past 37 years.


Drivers dont have respect for walkers

As a freshman and a pedestrian, I was unable to sympathize with Jackie Froeber’s column, “Campus driving annoys students” (SN 4/17). Every day I risk my life crossing West Circle Drive by the library or Red Cedar Road by Sparty.


Greeks subject to discrimination, bias

This is in response to Scott Szymendera’s letter to the editor (“Fraternity members’ right to act dumb,” SN 4/15), and his comment that the recent actions of Pi Kappa Phi is a “disgusting reminder of the moronic antisocial behavior that is all too common in the MSU greek system.” I would like to ask what Szymendera is basing his opinion on?


Money crunch

Creating empty storefronts isn’t the answer when it comes to collecting taxes from local eateries who haven’t paid up.


Members shouldnt receive sympathy

I have been following the Pi Kappa Phi story closely, and I must say that some of the response to it so far has been rather interesting. First, some people have been saying the fraternity’s right to free speech was infringed.


Wanted: variety

While it is important for higher education institutions such as MSU to offer the most possible number of courses geared to the study of different cultures, it is of greater consequence it offers a more diverse curriculum within general studies courses.


Dont compare U to that other school

I am sad to see that the writers at The State News are willing to bleed green and white, and then go out and write an article about how the night life in Ann Arbor and the night life in East Lansing are similar (“Living up the night,” SN 4/12). The pictures alone show clearly that there are extreme differences.


Members might not understand actions

The incidents between members of Pi Kappa Phi and the gay community fail to shock or even aggravate me (“Greek, LBGT clashes continue,” SN 4/15). Hate and ignorance are so prevalent that something of this nature fails to shock.


Some turn blind eye to offensive situation

I wonder what would have happened on this campus if a student organization walked into Brody Complex - an area of campus that has a large black population - wearing black face and offensive shirts that portrayed every stereotype and racist comment in creation.



If the crowds gathered outside the state Capitol on Friday really intended to promote peace in the Middle East, they would have chanted in unity instead of forming two polar groups positioned on opposite sides of the sidewalk.


About time

Although it’s been almost four months since a sexual abuse scandal in the American Catholic Church began sweeping across the nation, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church finally has summoned American cardinals to the Vatican to discuss the issue. Pope John Paul II’s invitation is better late than never.