Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



All subject to scrutiny on SN Opinion page

This is in response to Suzi DiBiasio’s letter “Political cartoon was distasteful, offensive” ( SN 4/23). She said it was totally out of line and offensive to pick on leaders of the Catholic Church and Allen needs a reminder about what is and is not funny.


Column promotes immorality, denial

Reading Josh Siegel’s column “Despite health risks, abstinence not an option; sex too good to miss” (SN 4/22) confirms my belief that The State News is clinging to the bottom rung of society’s moral ladder - and slipping at that.


Watching death gives no perspective on life

Everyone knows “Code Blue,” which makes it worthless as a code, so what comes overhead is “Code 333, MICU, Code 333.” A code is simply a call for help with the resuscitation of a patient who is close to death.


Taking charge

One reported incident of child sexual abuse now could mean immediate dismissal for priests in the Catholic Church. On Wednesday, American cardinals met with Pope John Paul II in Vatican City to discuss the creation of a “one-strike-you’re-out” policy for future sex abuse cases.


Attend class

Members of the Graduate Employees Union have every right to speak out and protest in support of better benefits.


Cultural sensitivity not stores strength

It is no surprise that Abercrombie & Fitch is in hot water (“Store removes controversial shirts,” SN 4/23). Apparently, the marketing wizards for this company thought it would be a swell idea to have a new line of T-shirts with stereotypic depictions of Asian cartoon characters. I can’t say that I’m too terribly surprised by this less-than-brilliant move by the aforementioned company.


Library for studying,

For those of you who go to the Main Library the week before finals, sit at the computers for hours and download movies and MP3s - listen up, this one’s for you. This also is for those of you who sit at a computer and talk on Instant Messenger, hang out on the eBay Web site, or leave your bag at the computer cubical and think your bag somehow signifies ownership of that particular computer. The week before finals is crucial to the whole semesters worth of work.


Cartoons attack on priests not funny

I am writing to voice my disgust in The State News’ publication of a cartoon making reference to a priest’s pleasure in the recent federal court decision on child pornography (SN 4/18). I was very disappointed to see such a conclusion drawn and placed upon an already sad situation.


Tasteless wear

Despite what MSU students may have learned in recent weeks about creating and wearing offensive T-shirts, it seems officials at Abercrombie & Fitch Inc. clothing stores are in need of the same lesson. The New Albany, Ohio-based company distributed four T-shirt designs related to Asian culture for $24.50.


Group sorry; flier not meant to offend

Vanessa Vanecek’s letter to the editor “Flier’s standards far from reality” (SN 4/22) makes an excellent point, but as the coordinator of the Respecting and Understanding Body Image candlelight vigil and one of the creators of the flier, this was not our intention. The two standards of beauty were meant to show the disparity between how the media portray beauty and where the average woman falls, urging women not to believe the “model” type is the ideal of perfection.


Time to change

Lawmakers should seize the opportunity to protect Michigan schoolchildren from countless amounts of unwanted solicitation by protecting public school’s student directories from Freedom of Information Act requests. And while they’re at it, the Legislature should look to update Michigan’s “sunshine laws,” which protect citizens’ right to access information and take part in their government.


Swastika was peace symbol before Hitler

In Mitchell Wagner’s letter “Blatant anti-Semitic message displayed” (SN 4/18), the comment is made, “no matter what the situation, a swastika is highly offensive, distasteful and in no way represents anything peaceful.” This is incorrect.


Golf requires a lot of skill, athleticism

This is in response to Steve Thomas’ letter to the editor, “Woods nothing close to being best athlete” (SN 4/18). Tiger Woods may not be the strongest, fastest or biggest out there, but he still is one of the greatest athletes.


Political cartoon was distasteful, offensive

The political cartoonist who thought it would be hilarious to connect the Supreme Court ruling regarding child pornography with the Catholic Church (SN 4/18) needs to be given a lesson about what is funny and ironic and what is just plain offensive.


End poverty

The time is overdue for global financial leaders to heed the demands of protesters who want to see the world’s poorer countries given more grants instead of loans, which must be repaid with interest. Even the Bush administration chimed into the cause last month when it proposed $10 billion in U.S.