Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Sex education bill a benefit for schools

I am hopeful that the sex education bill mentioned in an article earlier this week, “Bill could increase sex education,” (SN 6/10) will pass, but I fear that people are a bit too optimistic about many parents’ open-mindedness. Recently, a proposal to add sex education to Charlotte High School’s curriculum was approved, but just barely.


Democratic party benefits U more

In response to Jason C. Miller’s column, “Republican education policy has brought about good things for ‘U’” (SN 6/3) concerning the good of the Republican Party, I have to disagree.


Random rules

The tallies in Monday’s East Lansing school district election are in - and voters picked three people to take two open seats on the school board.


Expensive addition

Two proposed bills that would charge gas pipeline companies a yearly fee for each mile of pipe in the state go about dealing with safety issues the wrong way. It’s clear lawmakers want to use the fees to ensure pipeline companies put safety first.


Board matters

It’s easy for college students to forget the importance of K-12 education - and their roles as citizens in helping to make sure public education survives and thrives. But those students - and the entire MSU community - should be interested in the affairs of local school districts.


Gas pipeline needs better placement

The recent natural gas pipeline accidents in East Lansing and the surrounding areas should offer a perfect example of why we need to get the Wolverine Pipe Line Co.’s gas pipeline out from under the streets and neighborhoods of Meridian Township and East Lansing and put it in the protected right-of-way along the highways of Interstate 96.


Costly choices

Motorcycle riders should be allowed to choose whether they want to wear a helmet or not. But they can only get that choice if they are willing to accept all the costs that could come as a result. For years, Michigan motorcycle riders in the state have asked the Legislature to repeal of the state’s helmet law, citing the effectiveness of helmets, the number of other states that do not have mandatory helmet laws, and the number of actual motorcycle-related deaths and their causes.


Ballot initiative bad for students

I am increasingly concerned, along with many students and parents, about the proposed ballot initiative being conducted by the Michigan Health & Hospital Association and the Citizens for a Healthy Michigan.


New approach is needed for bikes

I read with interest recent letters to the editor regarding the MSU parking authorities’ removal and confiscation of the writers’ bicycles and the proceeding imposition of costly fees and inconvenient processes to retrieve them from impound. The most obvious thought that comes to mind, as an alumnus, is all the fuss that’s been generated over the last several years concerning the shortage of parking for privately owned automobiles, usually driven with only one occupant per car. It seems that, in a rational world, MSU would encourage, not discourage, the use of alternate - and parking-efficient - forms of transportation, such as bicycling.


Forked tongues

It may leave us scratching our heads in wonder, but some people choose to take drastic steps to alter their bodies.


Missing wheels

It was a shock for many students - perhaps more than 1,000 - to walk outside during the last few weeks planning to ride their bicycles to work, class or home. But there was nothing where they last left their rides. Since mid-May, the MSU Department of Police and Public Safety has impounded - although some might say stolen - about 1,250 unregistered bikes found throughout campus.