Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Ill allegiances

The federal appeals court ruling declaring the phrase “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional is, despite popular opinion, one of the most responsible decisions made in recent history.


Freedom to choose vitally important

I am writing in regards to Craig Gunn’s column, “Freedom comes with accepting responsibility,” (SN 6/26). It is interesting that the first word of the title was “freedom.” The way I think of freedom is the right to choose.


Better plan needed for college classes

MSU has a large number of classes where the total enrollment of students is well into the hundreds. These are classes where seats are scarce and the only interaction a student has during class might be yelling out an answer when the professor offers a rhetorical question.


Protected info

Campus safety advocates hope a recent ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court will begin to open the doors to disciplinary records and proceedings at colleges and universities. The ruling prevents students and parents from suing universities that violate the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, or FERPA, which protects students’ educational records from public disclosure.


Ridiculous rioting

Raphael Adley wants people everywhere to incite a riot. With the publication of his card game, “Riot!,” he takes a jab at campus riots everywhere, though the game was loosely based on the riots at MSU in the late 1990s.


Red-eye residents

After debating the necessity of requiring long hours to train new doctors, the organization responsible for accrediting the nation’s teaching hospitals approved new rules last week that prohibit medical residents from working more than 80 hours a week. The new policy by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education is a step forward for doctors-in-training and the quality of care for patients. Medical residents have not been restricted in their work hours, although a recommendation for no more than 80 hours has been in place for some time.


Second opinion

Disputes between landlords and tenants are commonplace in college towns. Fortunately, most spats are on a relatively small scale, dealing with problems such as getting leaky faucets fixed or covering minor damage to a property.


Grading policies in need of guidance

I am writing about the grading policies at MSU, or lack thereof. There is a misconception that a student’s grades reflect the student, while realistically, students grades lay a great deal in the hands of their professors.


Palestinian peace may be impossible

Why should we reward terrorism? I have tried to sympathize with the Palestinian people, the oppression they have suffered in the occupied territories and the continued building of settlements by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.


Blame games

The students charged in connection to the case of Eric Blair, the 18-year-old Bay City resident who drowned in October in the Red Cedar River, have served their purpose - at least, as far as the county prosecutor’s office is concerned. Seeking to make a quick impact on irresponsible drinking, prosecutors used five MSU students as scapegoats, giving the public somebody to point a finger at in connection with Blair’s death.


Writer not correct, love worth effort

I read Drew Harmon’s column, “Modern relationships outdated, people may be better off alone,” (SN 6/17), in the paper, and I wanted to offer a counter vision to his grocery-store analogy.


More to consider in American diversity

This is in response to the letter by E. H. Muldoon, “America in need of collective ideals,” (SN 6/17). Muldoon is not sure what he is talking about - is it the homosexuality that’s hurting the “American way,” or is it the immigrants?