Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Real U.S. patriots always get to polls

I have a problem with the headline, “Patriots pass up polls,” which appeared on the front page of The State News (SN 7/8). If you check your Webster’s dictionary, you will see that a patriot is “one who loves his country and zealously supports its authority and interests.” Thus, one could not “pass up the polls” and still be a patriot, in the correct sense of the word. Bill Nurnberger Haslett resident


Land dealings come from bad motives

What really irks me about the annexation/land sharing situation between Bath Township and the city of East Lansing is not so much the flawed state law that allows such municipal bullying, but the greed of the city government, and its affiliates, the Melrose Apartments residents who initially started the whole thing.


Vapid Voting

A note to college students: You are lazy and apathetic. That statement may sound mean and accusatory, but the numbers speak for themselves.


Altered pledge sign of freedom in U.S.

Being an MSU graduate, I am truly embarrassed by the letter to the editor written by Jake Harris, “Pledge fine as is, love it or leave it” (SN 7/3). “If they don’t like it, they can leave the country?” Wasn’t this country founded on religious freedom?


Columnist wrong, Pledge change bad

This letter is in response to Drew Harmon’s column, “Pledge decision correct to eliminate religion, being American not about God” (SN 7/3). When I first saw the title of the column I had to laugh, because it is the typical liberal opinion that The State News shoves down our throats.


Depleted reserves

The long lines at blood drives that became common after Sept. 11 have dwindled and raised concerns about the country’s supply.


Paper too liberal, pledge needs God

I’m sorry that the State News feels the way about the Pledge of Allegiance as stated in the editorial “Ill Allegiances” (SN 7/1). Despite the fact that our nation’s government is secular, our country was founded on the principle of religious belief.


Tough dealings

The recent deal to share 1,056 acres in Bath Township with East Lansing was not as much of a voluntary agreement as it was an unwilling submission.


Tenacious testing

The U.S. Supreme Court has sent public schools down a dangerous road that leads to infringing the rights of thousands of middle and high school students.


MSU needs help for heat, dorm too hot

In lieu of this heat wave, I would like to pose this question to the MSU administration: Why is it that faculty and staff offices and most buildings with classrooms are air-conditioned, but dorms used for summer housing are not?


Expanding space

Buffalo Wild Wings may face some unexpected opposition to its seemingly innocent proposal to expand its Albert Avenue location. In recent months, the East Lansing City Council has pushed an effort to reduce the number of seats in downtown available at businesses serving alcohol.


Other groups need close examination

Due in part to a recent conversation, I have gained an interest in answering the question of why the International Monetary Fund, or IMF, and the World Bank are seen as evil institutions to people in my age group, but the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC, a multinational oil cartel bent on profits at the expense of the most common people of member countries, seems to escape both dissent or thoughts of consternation.