Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!




Iraq needs to heed warnings and avoid military attacks by allowing the immediate return of United Nations weapons inspectors. President Bush accuses Iraqi President Saddam Hussein of stockpiling weapons of mass destruction and is right for pushing for his removal from office. The U.N.


SN right to publish story about hunger

I commend The State News for picking up the article on the food crisis in Zimbabwe (“Hunger takes toll in Zimbabwe” SN 9/9). The plight of 1.2 billion people throughout the world who live in absolute poverty is normally overlooked in the news.


Fly em high

While it is acceptable for people to take actions to avoid unnecessary conflicts, sometimes unnecessary actions are taken when conflict isn’t there, as is the case with a recent decision by the Crestwood School District in Dearborn Heights. Crestwood district officials ordered the removal of an international flag display in the district high school cafeteria, citing fear of a schism between Arab and non-Arab students. Luckily for the high school, its students are not as naive as the district board.


Security measures at stadium needed

I just read the article titled “Fans adjust to new rules at stadium” (SN 9/9). And since I am one of those security guards mentioned in the piece, I felt the need to tell my side of the story on behalf of other security guards.


Complex talk

East Lansing residents taking a stand against a proposed student-apartment complex on Michigan Avenue are sparking the wrong debate.


Jackson shouldnt be welcome at U

I am appalled MSU leaders are allowing Jesse Jackson to speak here. I realize Jackson has done some good in regard to minority employment, but he has used this political soapbox for his own advantage. Let’s take his Citizen Education Fund, a charitable organization.



While new rules released by MSU President M. Peter McPherson are meant to protect campus political and social activism from undercover investigations, we’re forced to wonder how effective they will be. These new guidelines, released Monday, define the “extraordinary circumstances” under which the MSUBoard of Trustees will allow such an investigation.


Alert state

A year after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, America is on the highest security alert it has experienced under the new homeland security department’s codes Although the country is on a heightened state of security awareness, Americans should not fear for their safety and go on with their daily lives normaly. On Monday, the Bush administration raised the country’s terror alert to code orange - the second-highest state of alert on the five-level, color-coded system.


Columnist did bad job in making point

I would say I was truly moved by the words of Melissa Sanchez in her column, “Destroy Earth, kids will thank you” (SN 9/6), but then I would be guilty of the same criminally incompetent use of satire. While I do not wish to belittle her concerns and opinions, a courtesy she did not extend to her readers, I found the column trite and lacking in any suggestion of a constructive solution to what she obviously feels are pressing issues. She is offended by sports- utility vehicles, but what good does that do anybody?


Jacksons visit to campus good for U

It was with great interest that I read about the Sept. 15 visit to MSU by the Rev. Jesse Jackson (“Jackson to visit campus” SN 9/6). Even more exciting is the topic of his talk that day - peace.


Remain vigilant while honoring lost lives

On the one-year anniversary of the worst terrorist attacks the world has ever seen, it is essential that we, the students of MSU, remember that more than 3,000 individuals lost their lives simply because they upheld the democratic way of life. Americans have ignored the threat that terrorism poses to the world’s democratic societies for far too long.


A day of healing

No one needs to be reminded what this day means. Yet wherever we look today, those reminders will be there. This was the day, one year ago, a generation’s innocence was shattered by the worst terrorist attacks on U.S.