Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Your Voice

Music school leader deserves thank you As two students of the MSU School of Music, we believe one man deserves to be recognized.


Capital time

MSU leaders are kicking off the public phase of the university’s largest fund-raising effort Friday in grand fashion as they hope to raise around $1 billion by 2007.


Drug talk

With Canadian lawmakers recommending legalizing marijuana sales, U.S. officials should seriously engage in the debate to make new allowances for the drug. Earlier this month, a Canadian Senate panel recommended a law legalizing marijuana sales and use for anyone older than 16.


Police ride-alongs are time well spent

After participating in a three-hour ride-along with East Lansing police Saturday night (part of the eight hour requirement for Citizens Police Academy), I offer a challenge to MSU administrators and East Lansing landlords to sign up for a Thursday, Friday or Saturday night ride-along anytime after 11 p.m.


U should support legal marijuana

After reading the Page One story “Drug charges on rise in E.L.” (SN 9/13), I felt an urgent need to add my personal insight and opinions of marijuana use - particularly to the policies of campus police. I am an avid pot smoker and I know of many who also partake in this enjoyable, safe and relaxing activity.


Exclusive U

MSU enrollment is on the ups, which overall is a good thing. But, because of the hidden factors behind the continuous rising figures, there are concerns that the school might be on a road to elitism - not being accessible to the average Michiganian. Preliminary enrollment numbers for the 2002-03 school year were released Friday.


Loss to California embarrasses fans

I felt compelled to write to the voice of MSU in response to Saturday’s grossly deficient performance by the purported Spartan football team. I am so disgusted by what I saw that I feel the season is on the brink of being ruined after only week three. Football head coach Bobby Williams should be ashamed and disturbed at what he saw from himself, his players and his personnel on Saturday. They were manhandled in every aspect of the game by a team that, although talented, had no business coming into Spartan Stadium and beating up on the Spartans the way it did. It is outrageously apparent Williams lacks the intangibles to coach MSU to a higher level. Critics and experts said MSU and the University of Michigan both should be undefeated when they meet in November, but longtime Spartan fans knew in the backs of their minds this dream would not be fulfilled. The nation laughed as MSU had assembled a schedule that was so favorable to a glorious season its record would almost have an asterisk next to it should it play out the way it was supposed to. Well, fans don’t have to worry about that because Williams and the Spartans have done it again. I don’t care if MSU comes to play next week and beats Notre Dame, even if the Irish might be a better team this year than in recent years. MSU should come to play every week.


Alright spot

Whether it be the amount of money you have in a savings account or the grades on a report card, when something goes down, it’s usually a bad sign.


Fans booed teams loss of Spartan pride

I read this weekend about MSU wide receiver Charles Rogers’ disappointment in the fans for booing the Spartans during their horrendous performance against California. I had the pleasure of going to every game last year - including trips to Minnesota, Wisconsin and California - and I saw the same ugly performance Saturday that I became accustomed to last season.


Crusade right word for Christian cause

It was lamentable to see the pains taken by Dan Bravender (“Christian society should change name” SN 9/12) to criticize an organization he apparently knows little about - Campus Crusade for Christ. His primary gripe concerns the use of the word “crusade” in its moniker. Bravender read a myriad of negative connotations into the word from “violence” to “bigotry,” and somehow infers, by reference, some similarities with the Holocaust. It might be suggested that before composing an eight-paragraph rant on the subjective connotations a word brings to mind, it would behoove oneself to open a dictionary to see if that viewpoint holds any validity. One of two definitions used in the dictionary provides the following definition for crusade - “a remedial enterprise undertaken with zeal and enthusiasm.” Not only is the use of “crusade” appropriate, it is commendable. Rob Annis Lansing resident


Turned away

Officials at a Miami hospital are wrong not to allow three medical students to participate in a program there because of a weekend run-in with national law enforcement.


Columnist right to point out U.S. faults

I would like to thank Rishi Kundi for pointing out a few of the frightening transgressions of the Bush administration during this time of national reflection (“American evils forgotten as country remembers Sept.


Fans shouldnt boo Spartans after loss

I was privileged to earn a degree from MSU in 1986. I thoroughly enjoyed my college experience, which included attending as many sporting events as possible. My family continues to be ardent fans and supporters of MSU athletics today. After watching the MSU football team lose to California on Saturday, I must say that I was disappointed in its performance.