Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Good to see Millers return to SN comics

I was happy to see the old cartoon “Student Ghetto” by Adam Miller has been returned to us in the form of “Bachelor Party.” As a former MSU student, I always enjoyed that particular comic strip and have missed it during the last few years. I think it is wonderful The State News continues to support local cartoonists as alumni syndicates, even though at times these comic strips may be a little more controversial than the typical “Peanuts” or “Overboard.” Again, thank you for returning one of my favorite cartoonists to The State News and supporting our alumni. Sarah J.


Mute measure

Lawmakers are mulling over a bill they say will protect athletes from unscrupulous agents, but it seems the measure pays more lip service to Michigan voters than it does good for professional-bound athletes.


Post-Sept. 11 trend threatens freedoms

A trend, which began before Sept. 11, 2001, continues to threaten you - yes, you. I’d been aware those who occupy our most respected elected offices were leading the trend, but I hadn’t realized so many of my fellow citizens were following.


Williams has turned team into NCAA joke

I have been a loyal Spartan since 1970. In all those years I have never written a disparaging word about MSU. But the last two weeks of MSU football have caused me so much distress I am compelled to protest the systemic incompetence of the athletics department. MSU is the laughing stock of NCAA Division I football programs.


Check the facts

Everyone makes mistakes, but MSU officials should check résumés better before making hiring decisions.


Coaches deserve to be booed, not team

I believe Eric McKinney’s encouraging fans to boo the football team when it doesn’t perform well was misdirected (“Players will whine, but booing understandable” SN 9/19). Whether carrying out the plays called from the sideline or simply “getting up for the game,” players follow the coaches’ lead.


Stop hating America

There is no place for hate in our world, but the unwelcome guest keeps showing its evil face. With the anniversary of the Sept.


Kundi right, know fellow Americans

This is in response to Rishi Kundi’s Wednesday column, “Opinions don’t make traitor, know someone before criticizing” (SN 9/19). He is correct that many, but not all, people automatically assume if your skin is not black or white, you are from a foreign land.


Christian crusade wants good for all

I am writing in response the letter to the editor “Christian society should change name” (SN 9/12) about Campus Crusade for Christ. From the perspective of someone not knowing all of the meanings of the word crusade, I can understand how concerns of past “religious” wars might be aroused. But please look at the definition of the word in a dictionary.


Spam crazy

MSU e-mail users are receiving more junk in their boxes than ever before, leaving us to wonder if university computer experts can do anything to stop it.


Red Ceder is nice, quit dogging river

As a proud member of the MSU community I would like to attempt to overturn one of the deepest running traditions on this campus - the verbal bashing of and lack of respect for the Red Cedar River.


Talk about it

The Bush administration has done a poor job of keeping Americans and foreigners informed about international policy, and we are not the only ones taking notice. The U.S.