Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



U.S. has history of hunting for witches

This is a letter to the persecuted State News columnist Rishi Kundi (“Opinions don’t make traitor, know someone before criticizing” SN 9/18). One of the greatest writers all time is Arthur Miller.


U should take steps to keep out spam

There is nothing legislators can do to stop spam e-mail. These advertisements are bounced off of many unguarded e-mail servers around the world in countries that won’t recognize our laws. This makes it impossible to track down and punish the spammers.


Its up to doctors to recruit more nurses

I read last week’s State News series of stories “Career in crisis” (SN 9/18 to SN 9/20) and the editorial “Nursing ills” (SN 9/23) about nursing shortages in Michigan and how lawmakers need to lure more students into nursing.


Watch your bets

The probable opening of a new casino in Port Huron is yet another hint that Michigan is well on its way to becoming the next Nevada. After Gov.


Outlined speech

MSU is steadily making gains and working toward a prosperous future for its students, but there is more work to be done.


Capitol checks

It looks as though the possibility of the United States launching an attack on Iraq is inevitable as Congress prepares to authorize President Bush “to use all means that he determines to be appropriate, including force, in order to defend the national security interests of the United States against the possible threat of Iraq.” Capitol Hill is giving in to this war-mongering president and threating world security.


Secure U

There is something amiss at the Biomedical and Physical Science Building, and it’s going to take a lot of sleuthing and tighter security to prevent what could become a major problem for campus health and safety. For the second time this month, MSU police are investigating missing property from the new building. Eight 4-liter bottles of acetic acid were stolen from a locked stock room in the building’s chemistry department between July 1 and Sept.


Mason should find new football coach

Bravo to Del Highfield for saying what all MSU students, alumni and fans have been thinking for quite some time in his letter to the editor “Williams has turned team into NCAA joke” (SN 9/23). One need only look at our opponent on Saturday to see what a real coach can do to improve a team.


Drug war cannot be won, stop fighting it

The Page One story “Drug charges on rise in E.L.” (SN 9/13) represents a rare occurrence - some honesty about efficacy of our nation’s war on drugs. Ingham County Sheriff Gene Wriggelsworth said drugs are just as easy to obtain now as they were 30 years ago.


U standards should become more elite

In response to the editorial “Exclusive ‘U’” (SN 9/17), I, for one, am glad that MSU is taking steps to become a more exclusive institution. The notion it remain a place accessible to every student in Michigan should become a thing of the past.


Nursing ills

It is estimated 12 to 15 percent of the nation’s nursing positions are unfilled. That statistic is the signal of a national nursing shortage that could grow into a serious depletion if steps to remedy it are not taken by state leaders. Hospitals and clinics across the country are facing a nursing shortage that could pose a major danger to the future of health care.