Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Security issues

Colleges and universities across the country are taking more precautions to protect students from rape.


Crooked cop

After Tuesday night’s arrest of a Lansing police officer for drunken driving, how can area police expect people to heed their teaching and demands concerning sober driving? When defenders of the law breaks the law they, maybe more than anybody, need to answer for that mistake. Any police officer is a public official and therefore should set the example for all members of a community. As of Tuesday, Lansing police Capt.


Women have choice to become pregnant

I was extremely offended by Shelby Newman’s letter to the editor “‘U’ should choose to vote pro-life” (SN 10/8) and her statement that “when a woman is pregnant her choice is over, already having been made when she decided to have sex.” It is important to distinguish between consenting to have sex and consenting to become pregnant, which are two entirely different things. If a woman takes every precaution and still becomes pregnant, it does not mean she consented to pregnancy.


Abortion debaters looking at wrong problem, need to dig deeper

Pay attention all of you who champion pro-life and pro-choice efforts because I think you are all blind to the real problems that plague our society. You can march and drive around with catchy signs and bumper stickers all you want, but none of you are helping remedy the ills we face together. Ever since coming to The State News, I have told myself I would never write a column with the word “abortion” in it.


Liberals should stop blaming Bush

It is unfortunate how the majority of liberal students on this campus attack the Bush administration for everything that happens in this country - from the economy to war, students never look at the facts.


Pay attention

Pedestrians and drivers alike need to pay better attention when they are traveling through the streets of campus and East Lansing.


Union, U just need to read agreed rules

Steve Duane’s letter to the editor “TAs trying to abuse power of unions“ (SN 10/03) and the State News editorial “Talk it out” (SN 10/01) are marred by two fundamental misunderstandings to which I must speak.


Americans should debate Iraq policy

This letter is in response to Shawn Dhar’s ideas in his letter to the editor “Those against war should move to Iraq” (SN 10/9) that Americans who are against expanding the war in Iraq should move there. Thankfully, many Americans are refusing to submit to irrational scare tactics and thinly veiled threats such as these used to justify a war that will galvanize much of the world against the United States and make terrorist attacks against the USA more likely than ever before. It is simply irresponsible and disgusting to suggest that Americans who dissent from the Administration on issues should move to or are a part of the “enemy.” This inane logic quickly reveals its true purpose: to stifle internal dissent, and encourage blind, slobbering obedience to a president and administration that runs the country more and more like a personal fiefdom every day. I think the Dead Kennedys said it best: “you want a banana republic that bad, Why don’t you go move to one? Christopher W.


GEU contract clear about promotion

According to the contract signed May 16, between the Graduate Employees Union and MSU officials, level-three pay is set for employees with a master’s degree or equivalent and at least four semesters’ experience as a graduate assistant - or equivalent at the faculty level - in the employing unit or in a department considered relevant by the chairperson of the employing unit. Reread that contract language again if you aren’t convinced that “four means four.” Some MSU departments changed the requirements to eight semesters and others changed it to 12.


Outlawing abortion wont save lives

I find it very ironic that people who identify themselves as pro-life and work to pass pro-life legislation publicly declare they are against killing and murder. I find this ironic because with a little research, one will find before Roe v.


Agree or not, choice is a American right

After reading the letters to the editor “Campaigners right to join pro-life rally” and “‘U’ should choose to vote pro-life” (SN 10/8), it seems obvious people are missing the point of what “pro-choice” means. Being pro-choice means believing in one of the main principles this country was founded upon, which is the freedom to make your own decision, and in turn the freedom to agree or disagree with anybody else’s decision.


Those against war should move to Iraq

I am troubled by comments like the ones expressed in the letter to the editor “Dems need to be voice of November” (SN 10/8). It’s blatantly obvious that people who think like this have a very skewed view of reality.


Open discussion

The university community is right to begin discussing whether it is ethical for MSU to have some of its money invested in Israeli companies. On campuses throughout the nation - including the University of Michigan, where students recently lashed out because administrators refused to divest in Israel - students are beginning to question why universities have investments in an area riddled with conflict. The movement is similar to one that helped lead to the end of Apartheid in South Africa.