Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Look at Williams academic success

Football head coach Bobby Williams must be given the same chance as his predecessors. The tone of letters written to The State News as of late, calling for Bobby Williams’ head on a platter, are upsetting, but not surprising.


United front

A notable team of Michigan leaders has been assembled to lobby the federal government for MSU’s bid to bring a significant scientific tool to campus.


Time to start talk of Williams future

When will the talks begin about the head football coaching position next season, and who will fill it? I realize the season isn’t over, but the frustration with football head coach Bobby Williams is spreading among many fans and alumni.


Countrys leaders making a dangerous world, reforms needed

Last week, I found myself looking through a pile of old political cartoons and came upon one with a tombstone that read “50 Million War Dead, 1900-1999” as its shadow lay over a map of Europe. It made me wonder: After Congress gave President Bush the OK to use unilateral force against Iraq, could there be -in 100 years, or even in 50 years - a political cartoon with the same tombstone and the same number, but a different shadow spread over Africa or the Middle East? Or, worse yet, a shadow hanging over North America?


Money makers

With lawmakers facing what many expect to be a major money crunch, it seems the MSU Board of Trustees is dreaming to request an extra $1,000 per student in the state’s next budget cycle. But it is good to see Spartan leaders lobbying with gusto as Michigan is set to see many leadership changes because of term limits. Spartans have been at the short end of an appropriations gap among Michigan’s three research universities - Wayne State University, the University of Michigan and MSU - for too long.


America lost a great historian in Ambrose

Sunday was a sad day for America, as national historian Stephen Ambrose lost his battle with cancer. Ambrose was an avid proponent of learning about and spreading America’s rich cultural heritage to people throughout the country.


Team in disarray, Williams at fault

It’s frustrating to watch the Spartan football program continue to crumble when the simple remedy is to call for the “coach’s head.” The question can be made why the athletics director would equate this lack of performance to his own first two years as a coach and term the program as in a “rebuilding” stage.



Community leaders need to quit sidestepping the issue and apologize to the women involved in last year’s Linton Hall anthrax scare. The bottom line is that emergency officials were not well prepared to handle such an incident, and their inabilities have caused the women involved emotional distress. The women and the Lansing branch of the American Civil Liberties Union met Friday to address concerns over the handling of the situation. On Oct.


Mediocrity wont end under Williams

As an MSU student and a big football fan, I am tired of our football team’s success always pending on whether we beat the University of Michigan. When preseason rankings came out in August, all of us Spartan faithful saw our team picked to be in the Big Ten race and a possible dark horse for the National Championship.


Proper publication

Another major U.S. newspaper joined the list of publications that are announcing same-sex partner commitments and therefore bringing important issues out for social discussion.


Balancing act

Investigators searching for the serial sniper in the Washington, D.C., area are defending their limited release of information about the case, and they are completely justified.


Mason should give Williams pink slip

Fire football head coach Bobby Williams. Now. The Spartans went into Iowa City, Iowa, and gave up 44 unanswered points Saturday. We have gone from being a dark-horse Bowl Championship Series contender to being a laughingstock of the NCAA in seven weeks. Assuming we can even muster four more wins - which is a long shot - how much will MSU pay this year to get into a bowl game that no one cares about? The Spartans - who have the best receiver in the nation as their offensive leader - went up against a team with the second worst pass defense and second best run defense in the country and spent the entire first half trying to establish a running game. By the time the coaching staff got wise to the fact they needed to throw the ball, the game’s outcome already was known. I have been an outspoken crusader for Williams’ firing.


As semester flies by, students need to prioritize to-do lists

Time is a precious commodity, and it seems like there is never enough of it. I am positive that next to money, time is the item practically everyone wishes for the most. Everywhere we look, we are reminded of time passing by much too quickly. It’s already the middle of October.