Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Stay straight

Proposal 1 compromises the freedom of citizens who actively contribute to their government. And it’s an idea Michigan voters should not support. In an effort to overturn a decision by the GOP-controlled Legislature, the state Democratic Party introduced the measure to let voters decide if straight-ticket voting should be eliminated.


People have hard time coping with life

If I’ve learned one thing from Lifetime television, it’s that a woman’s character is revealed by her reaction to events - namely, learning her husband has a secret family. I suppose that the idea could apply to more general circumstances. These are difficult times, and are those by which our generation is discovering its character. A nebulous war of uncertain success has skulked into the background, where it intends on staying for years; a more distinct one is lurching offstage, in the wings, straining to hear its cue to tromp onstage.


Spartans should stop acting rudely

In reference to the commentaries about the rude behavior on campus lately, I could not agree more. I’ll admit I’ve done these rude things, but never as far as I have seen this weekend.



President Bush is unsure when to begin a possible war with Iraq but is willing to delay military action late into 2003 depending on the progress of weapons inspections.


Smoke screen

It seems like an obvious conclusion. Michigan’s $8.5 billion share of the nationwide tobacco settlement should be used to improve health issues. But voting for Proposal 4 is not the way to make that happen. Michigan is one of only a handful of states that does not use any of its take from the 1998 tobacco settlement to reduce smoking.


Letter writer didnt intend to blame driver

The author of the letter to the editor “Life is dear, don’t endanger others” (SN 10/22) did not intend to imply the driver involved in Saturday morning’s Chandler Road accident was drunk or careless.Marketing junior Doug Davis told The State News the purpose of his letter was not to place blame on any one individual, but to make people aware of how precious life is.


Life might not always turn out like you dreamed - sometimes it ends up better

When I was younger, my friends and I loved to play house. You all know the routine - we divided roles of “mom,” “daughter” and “husband” (if we were cool enough to have a real boy there) and acted out the glamorous lives of “grown-ups.” But we especially loved to play “college.” We would, as best friends and roommates, pretend to have fabulous makeup collections, dozens of boyfriends and social lives that included Tuesday nights wearing all black, drinking coffee and reading poetry while Fridays were reserved for driving our great cars to the coolest parties.


Football is not most important issue

War should be a bigger concern than football. The only thing that seems to concern students these days is how horrible the MSU football team is playing, but there are definitely more important concerns in the world - one being the possibility of a full fledged attack by the United States on Iraq.


More gun restrictions not solution to sniper

This must be the day all those liberals and anti-gunners were waiting for: a chance to use a tragedy to revive a debate that had died down since Columbine (“Gun prints” SN 10/17). They will call for stricter gun laws, more registration, more restrictions, ballistic fingerprinting, waiting periods and all sorts of things that will make it harder for Americans to protect themselves.


Letter writer missed point of feminism

In the letter to the editor “Feminist outlook full of ‘real choices,’” (SN 10/21) the writer makes some impressive points. Ask any pro-choice woman if she is against everyone bearing children and having a fulfilling family life.


Columnist assumed too much about crowd

Kudos to Craig Gunn for his address on the decline of American civilization, particularly in the way our current generation behaves (“Education goes beyond books, class; teach your kids” SN 10/22). He was correct in stating that many American youths today are not so much inclined to the reality of world issues as they are to events that surround their own daily lives.


Fee-d up

University officials are considering charging students living in residence halls an Ethernet-access fee in addition to room and board rates beginning in the 2003-04 academic year. Such a measure would be a cheap way of passing the buck to students. David Gist, MSU’s vice provost for libraries, computing and technology, said Housing & Food Services will have to propose the fee in April to the MSU Board of Trustees as a part of the housing-rates budget before it approves the university’s 2003-04 budget because on-campus Internet traffic is exponentially rising.


Time for equality

Lansing Community College has jumped aboard the train to the 21st century by stopping discrimination based on sexual orientation and is extending employee benefits to same-sex partners. The LCC Board of Trustees approved the measure at Monday night’s meeting.