Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Win for Whitmer

For two years, incumbent Rep. Gretchen Whitmer has worked to establish herself within the chambers of the state House, getting experience with higher education funding issues.


Bernero or bust

Time has run out for Paul DeWeese and his tenure in the Legislature. Voters should elect Virg Bernero to the state’s 23rd District Senate seat when they take a minute to go to the polls Nov.


Social groups about unity, acceptance

I almost didn’t respond to Nathan Top’s letter to the editor and Carrie Hoover’s column regarding black groups on campus (“Columnist brave to make honest points” SN 10/28 and “Separation doesn’t promote unity” SN 10/25). I was having a peaceful day and did not want to have the burden of thinking my white brothers and sisters are unhappy with support systems for people of color. I do not understand how some whites pretend as if there is no racism and that our experiences do not shape who we are.


U should support equality for students

Lansing Community College made Michigan history last week by becoming the first community college in the state to provide domestic-partner benefits for the same-sex partners of its employees, according to the Human Rights Campaign. The policy was approved with only two of seven trustees putting in dissenting votes.


Voters should say yes to Prop. 1 issues

Proposal 1 does not infringe on our voting rights nor does it compromise our freedoms. Claiming otherwise is irresponsible sensationalism that diminishes real threats to our liberties. With Proposal 1, every voter maintains his or her right to select the candidate of his or her choice. Concerns about disenfranchised voters because of increased wait times is overblown.


Dont send Rogers back to Washington

I was disappointed The State News was so forgiving in its endorsement of U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Brighton (“Re-elect Rogers” 10/28). Michigan’s bizarre voter registration system is one of the main reasons so few students vote.


Holidays approach spooks memories

One of the few things I enjoy about fall is Halloween, and its arrival is upon us. It seems as if the highly anticipated holiday is announced earlier and earlier each year - some stores herald candy and costume sales as early as late September, and Halloween decorations pop up everywhere around that time.


Re-elect Rogers

Congressman Mike Rogers is one the Republican Party’s “chosen,” rising quickly in the ranks of the U.S.


Columnist brave to make honest points

I was pleasantly surprised to read Carrie Hoover’s very open-minded, well-reasoned column “Separation doesn’t promote unity” (SN 10/25). She presented some valid arguments for which she will no doubt be criticized.


Landslide for Levin

In the race for the U.S. Senate, no one is better equipped than incumbent Carl Levin. The 68-year-old senator is the best candidate to serve Michigan and the country, hands down.


SN right, Prop 4 is bad for students

It is great to see The State News join a coalition of student, education, business, political and health leaders in publicly denouncing Proposal 4, a ballot proposal scheming to use the state Constitution as a device to mandate the division of public funds to unaccountable, “health-care”-related special interest groups and not to ensure the well-being and protection of the citizens of Michigan (“Smoke screen” SN 10/24). Although its editorial was informative and accurate in stressing the proposal’s lack of accountability, it did not discuss the impact the proposal would have on the MSU community.


Alumni should stop checks; fire Williams

With this football season basically over after Saturday, it is time for alumni to step up. With the intolerable performances produced on the field getting worse, it is time MSU alumni, who give the money with which the athletics department runs, to make their voices heard to make a change of the entire coaching staff.


Separation doesnt promote unity

College life is an opportunity for people to broaden their horizons. With a chance to meet new people and learn new things, students are supposed to be able to leave school as better, more well-rounded people. When I came to MSU, I was excited to be a part of something so big.


Water aid

Surrounded by the Great Lakes and with thousands of inland lakes, it’s easy for Michigan to take its water resources for granted.


Dont settle for mediocre Williams

Football head coach Bobby Williams is not the answer for MSU. The time has passed for mediocrity. It is time to establish a program that aims to not settle for simply going to the weed eater bowls of college football.


Emergency crew should apologize

As a volunteer firefighter, I have been involved in several hazardous-material sessions, both as a recipient of the scrubbing and a scrubber. Although the Linton Hall matter of Oct.


U should sweat party list status

I am shocked to learn MSU has gained the reputation of being a “party school” (“ASMSU calls for removal of party status” SN 10/24). What would former MSU President John Hannah say? What next?


Bad bargain

While Proposal 3 might have state employees’ best interests in mind, it would prove costly for Michigan taxpayers in the long run. If approved, the proposal would guarantee about 60,000 state employees the right to collective bargaining with binding arbitration. On the surface, this proposal seems fair, as it might give state employees more equal footing in contract bargaining.