Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



SN failed to notice GOP's head women

In the editorial "Breakthroughs" (SN 11/15), The State News praised the Democratic party for its election of Dianne Byrum and Nancy Pelosi and then went on to criticize the Republican party for failing to show women respect by promoting them to leadership positions. The Editorial Board ignored the fact that last week, Deborah Pryce was elected chairwoman of the Republican Conference.


Manager's report segregates city

After reading the East Lansing city manager's "Noise Reduction Recommendations" to the City Council, I have to admit I am fairly disappointed. The document is philosophically flawed by blaming all noise problems on a "deeply-seated set of issues involving the culture of some young people in our community." The city manager's recommendations ignore the reality that East Lansing is a university town and attempt to separate permanent residents' decisions and actions from both problem and solution identification. Until we, as a community, can admit that all residents - both permanent and student - are a part of any conflict, effective solutions will never be identified or successfully implemented.


Shady deals?

MSU's leaders are expected to be upstanding citizens with honor, honesty and integrity that students and faculty members can trust.


Open dialogue

MSU students and faculty members will get the chance to speak out on the nation's ongoing conflict with Iraq, and it's high time it happened. With a momentous conflict brewing abroad - and fear of its repercussions spilling across international borders - the time has come for leaders of a world-connected university to begin a dialogue with the community. On Tuesday, members of MSU's Executive Committee of Academic Council decided to set aside time after its Nov.


Consider allergies in smoking debate

Many concerns have been brought up about health and safety regarding the idea of a smoking ban in residence halls. I lived in Campbell Hall during my stay at MSU and lived above the north stairwell.


Greenhouse group has great vision

I am writing in support of The Student Greenhouse Project effort. For the past several years, it has been my pleasure to watch the planning, research and effort to present a cogent, attractive and feasible plan to the university that would permit the construction of a dome-style greenhouse near the Old Horticulture Building. This facility appears to answer the needs for formal and informal, small- and moderate-sized group requirements, as well as a place for study and quiet contemplation for individuals. The greenhouse model has been found to be popular in many cities and universities around the world to showcase horticultural exhibits and serve as an indoor park.



It wasn't until 1920 that the 19th Amendment granted women the right to vote. Although it's not surprising that it took this long to see a female legislator elected to lead her party in Congress, women's leadership days were long overdue. U.S.


If U.S. is preparing to enter war, it also should plan for its exit

As anyone who knows me will attest, I hate defending any policy or strategy proposed by President Bush. If he is campaigning on television, explaining to a crowd how much he appreciates the warm welcome and the delicious local cooking, my first impulse is usually to throw any nearby inanimate object at the television set, vociferously arguing that he is not really being warmly received and the local cooking is, in fact, horrible. When I do agree with our president, I like to do so quietly, pouting to myself in the solitude of my room and assuring myself President Bush graciously decided to agree with me, not the other way around. And with the U.N.


'U' should keep smoking options

I have to totally disagree with the editorial about continuing to allow students to "choose" to smoke in their room ("Let them smoke" SN 11/13). Currently fires, candles, incense and basically anything that burns is banned from private residence hall rooms for safety reasons.


Education efforts

A delay in the Academic Governance system's endeavor to see gender identity included in MSU's anti-discrimination policy demonstrates the need for education and understanding of gender identity issues.


Residents deserve smoking options

In response to the article about banning smoking in the dorm rooms ("'U' debates hall smoking regulations," SN 11/12), I'd like to express my extreme displeasure for that choice.


D.C. story doesn't portray real life

Regarding the Nov. 13 article on Washington, D.C., "Under the Scope," I'd just like to say bravo to The State News for so excellently capturing what a day in the life of the average resident of the Washington-Metro Area is like.


Quiet times

It seems that if city leaders could have their way, all of East Lansing would be like a scene out of the "Twilight Zone" or "Pleasantville" - eerily quiet and nuclear. On Tuesday, city officials presented the East Lansing City Council with several plans to reduce noise violations, highlighted by ideas of a Responsible Landlord Council and quiet zones in the city.


Welcome to E.L., please don't disturb

Shhhhh. You must be very quiet. You are in East Lansing now. This is a noise-free zone. City council is thinking (or is it napping?) and mustn't be disturbed. True, we live in momentous times.


Columnist correct about hunger issue

I want to applaud Shawn Wozniak for his honest and unexpected column about the pervasiveness of hunger in the world ("Hunger not just time between meals," SN 11/12). While socialization of food and arguments of natural selection are complex and tangled issues, there is one simple fact everyone needs to know: There is enough food to feed everyone in the world, yet an astonishing number of people go days or weeks without proper nutrition. Why? There are several reasons - consumer culture, our agricultural and political systems - but knowing all of the reasons is impossible, and you don't need to in order to do something about it.


Review missed point of Moore's 'Bowling'

Casey McNenly's review of Michael Moore's latest film, "Bowling For Columbine," was much appreciated, and his glowing rating of the film does justice to this great movie and should be seen as encouragement for everyone to go see it while it is in the theater.