Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Student leaders

The spirit of the late 1960s and early 1970s is in full swing at MSU these days. Student groups across campus are evoking the essence of that era by organizing anti-war protests and teach-ins to promote peace and voice opposition to a possible war in Iraq. Leaders of the MSU group Students for Peace and Justice held a teach-in Wednesday in Giltner Hall to allow students to discuss why they oppose a war in Iraq. Speakers from several other MSU student groups, including Direct Action, Students for Economic Justice and Students for Palestinian Rights also discussed issues surrounding a pre-emptive strike on Iraq, economic sanctions on the country, U.N.


Students, not board, should take up tax

In response to the editorial "'No new taxes'" (SN 11/18) against Eco's initiative to ask for a $5 tax on tuition to make this campus and world a better place, Eco already has looked into other avenues to get funding. The truth is, if we let a board decide when, and if, it will have enough money, my grandchildren will be going to this school. Students spend $5 a day just on coffee and pop.


Paper staff shows little care for Earth

After reading the editorial "No new taxes" (SN 11/18), it became clear to me that The State News doesn't view social responsibility as much of a priority as say football or parking issues seem to be.


User error

Wanted: One village of gnomes to search for the lost software licenses the undergraduate student government couldn't keep track of.


SN is unfair in its Pittman coverage

With some concern, I read the recent articles about Trustee Randall Pittman. I have been acquainted with Pittman for a long time, extending well beyond his service on MSU's Board of Trustees.


Media shouldn't promote violence

In the light of all the violence in our society, especially after our sporting events, I fail to see why The State News would run reviews explaining and depicting the graphic nature of Xbox video games, such as "Deathrow" ("'Deathrow' offers combination of distractions with fighting, sports" SN 11/19). This game speaks of breaking bones, beating people to a pulp, threats and profanity, ramming knees into faces - all of this at slow motion for special effects.


Drug policies need to change focus

In response to the recent article heralding the accessibility and usage of hard drugs at MSU ("Drug use becomes reality," SN 11/18), current policies are obviously not working to help those with addictions. There is a great fear on campus of overzealous drug busts and the threat of prosecution.


Tops in travel

When it comes to sending students overseas to enhance their college experience, no one does it better than MSU. The Institute of International Education reported that in the 2000-01 academic year the university had 1,835 students travel to foreign countries as part of its study abroad program.


MSUs new game

Amid the drudgery of fall, the MSU field hockey team has lifted the spirits of Spartan fans by advancing to the Final Four of the NCAA Tournament.


Support programs to ease hunger

Shawn Wozniak's column last week on the continuing problem of global hunger ("Hunger not just time between meals," SN 11/12) was especially timely as Thanksgiving nears.


Open up

Contrary to recent behavior by MSU's Board of Trustees, this is not a private institution. This university is designed as a public entity, one where the people of Michigan - whose tax money supports the school - deserve to be informed and involved. On Friday, the board chose to have a closed-door discussion about the tight budget facing the university in the next year.


Honor differences, not similarities

I agree with Mark Hicks in his column "People should try to socialize outside colored comfort zones" (SN 11/18). However, in his final words, Hicks supports the idea of "gray skies," which he so strongly criticized at the opening of his column. "We are all human, and we should treat each other that way," Hicks said in closing. True.


People should try to socialize outside colored comfort zones

Picture, if you will, a world without color. Imagine the sky an interminable shade of gray and your clothes drab and dull variations of the same hue - every building, structure, tree and object on the planet would maintain the same lifeless tone. Now imagine each and every person you encounter on a daily basis.


'U' is behind times with smoking limits

Regarding the article "'U' debates hall smoking regulations" (SN 11/12), I hope MSU realizes how far behind it is in a changing society and reverts its policy. First of all, a student living in a residence hall is not in a private quarters secluded from the world.


No new taxes

Eco's plan for "green energy" is promising and could put MSU on the cutting edge of conservation, but funding the endeavor with a student tax is not a good idea. The $5 tax Eco seeks to impose might be small by itself, but the list of taxes that students already pay adds up fast.