Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Science takes a step too far with claims of cloned babies

I've always stood in awe of science. Granted, my brain's lack of ability to understand basic chemistry might have something to do with my amazement, but that does not negate the fact man's technological achievements almost never cease to wow me. As for the times when scientific breakthroughs do not inspire my jaw to drop to the ground, I usually find myself sick to my stomach. The most recent "scientific breakthrough" to make my insides twist like a pretzel was the Dec.


Rogers deserves our deepest thanks

Thank you Charles Rogers for the two great years you gave us at MSU. Thank you Charles Rogers for all of the records you broke in your time here, including the NCAA mark for consecutive games with a touchdown.


Proactive apathy

The University of Michigan is leading college campuses in rallies against the war with Iraq. Why aren't we? In light of Army Reserve units dispatching to the Middle East, this weekend an estimated 600 people will gather in Ann Arbor to protest at a two-day conference.


Lost laboratory?

During former Gov. John Engler's final days in office, MSU lost $700,000 earmarked to build the new diagnostic veterinary laboratory.


Americans value SUVs, low gas prices over avoiding war

While in England, a British gentleman incredulously asked me, "Why do so many Americans drive around in big trucks?" I laughed and said: "Don't try to figure it out - it's just our national insanity." It's an outcome of cheap gas and the quintessentially American culture of extreme consumption.


Tight lipped 'U'

As the football team's on- and off-the-field actions tarnished MSU's integrity in 2002, efforts to deny the release of police reports involving Spartan athletes only further smears the institution's reputation. Spartan All-American wide receiver Charles Rogers allegedly pushed an MSU parking enforcer in October, according to the Ingham County prosecutor's office.


Group deserves respect, funding

I would like to express that the Michigan State University Residence Halls Association (RHA) has earned my trust, and I think that all students living in residence halls should support RHA.


Granholm goals

Congratulations to Michigan's first woman governor, Jennifer Granholm. Now that Granholm has begun her job she, like John F.


Johnny's world

Athletics administrators seem to think the Spartans' newest football head coach is the right person to turn what became black and blue in 2002 into Green and White once again.


The good the bad and the Sparty

Winners of 2002 Spartan of the Year • Sparty - It might be a little cheesey to name "The Spartan"Spartan of the Year, but the (believed-to-be) largest free-standing ceramic statue in the world has had a rough life.


Trustee should stay quiet about Ethernet

Trustee Colleen McNamara's role as the executive director of the Michigan Cable Telecommunications Association is a clear conflict of interest with her role as an MSU leader. Her decisions with respect to the university should be made based on her role as trustee, not her role in the private sector.


All ideas are worthy for public forums

I must admit that I was a bit confused by the closing portion of Dan Roosien's letter to the editor "Columnist's words were hypocritical" (SN 12/02). I was equally bothered by the intolerance displayed in the column about which he referred ("Religious majority doesn't understand atheist views," SN 11/26), and must whole-heartedly agree that sort of expression does not tend to serve its cause as the author might have intended. That being said, I was disappointed that Roosien would chose to close a commentary that scolds intolerance with a statement of intolerance.