Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Coach bashing is baseless, unfair

I was quite disappointed to read Geoffrey Woliner's insinuation that Spartan basketball fans should be calling for Tom Izzo's head after early-season troubles ("Izzo needs to bring back elite program," SN 1/10). I hope there aren't too many people out there like Woliner, who, in his complaint about Izzo's recruiting strategies, seems to have forgotten the last four winners of Michigan's Mr. Basketball award have decided to wear the green and white. When fans complain about Spartan turnovers, they need to be reminded our backcourt is comprised entirely of sophomores and freshmen.


Music reviewer doesn't get album

The recent review of Bright Eyes' album, "Lifted or The Story Is in the Soil, Keep Your Ear to the Ground" was, in my opinion, the most false review of any one album I have seen in all my life ("'Lifted' leaves listeners feeling everything but," SN 1/7). Not only did the reviewer fail to understand his amazing metaphors, but she childishly denied his amazing lyrical talents by calling his lyrics "cheesy" and referring to one song as "lyrically challenged." Any real music critic knows that even if she doesn't dig the Bright Eyes sound or find his voice annoying, they can't deny his creativity and talent as a songwriter. Though singer Conor Oberst may not read them, Bright Eyes has scored magnificent reviews by real music editors in numerous publications including Spin Magazine and the influential British magazine NME - whom both put the album on their top of 2002 lists.


SN shouldn't just criticize students

I definitely agree with The State News' Editorial Board's comments about the lack of activism on this campus compared to some other schools down the road ("Proactive apathy," SN 1/8). However, I also know it's easy to sit and chide the student body from your position as a media outlet, too.


Izzo needs to bring back elite program

As an individual who attended MSU during the basketball glory years (three Final Fours and an NCAA Championship), I have recently become concerned the mission we have set out on, to become an elite program, is falling by the wayside There has not been enough pressure on our legendary coach Tom Izzo to maintain that standard of excellence which many of us have been spoiled with since 1998.


'U' offers plenty of political activity

In response to the editorial about the political apathy at MSU, I have to say you are almost entirely wrong ("Proactive apathy," SN 1/8). While I do agree with the fact that far too many students are unaware of or are inactive in politics, there are ample opportunities to be politically active on this campus.


Deceiving drop

By the numbers, it looks as though Spartans are celebrating more responsibly on football Saturdays. Despite the Green and White hosting more home games in 2002 - a total of eight - MSU police reported a significant drop in gameday arrests for the fall season. MSU police arrested 291 people on football Saturdays in 2002.


Tracking trials

In an effort to track terrorists, the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System is requiring foreign citizens who are 16 years or older from 13 countries to register with the federal government when visiting the United States.


Bush has no motive other than health

I'm glad to see Chris Alvarado had enough guts to write in a letter about President Bush' s inadequacies and to inform us about them ("Bush pays too much attention to disease," SN 1/8). However, I would suggest that next time he do this, that he get his stories straight before formulating opinions.


Book costs can't dictate class quality

How sad it is that you missed the point in your article on textbook prices ("Textbook prices withstand slumping economic times," SN 1/8). While the news story is of great value, in reporting on my class, PLS 170, as requiring "16 textbooks and articles totaling more than $225 for new copies," you neglected the important fact that no one has to pay that sum.


Learning loans

It's better than a credit card and better than a friend's wallet - they're ASMSU's $100 interest-free loans available to MSU students. But students are abusing the privilege of their loans by not paying them back on time to ASMSU, MSU's undergraduate student government. Many Spartans don't know ASMSU's $100 loan is available to any person with a student ID.


Lack of information in news breeds apathy, causes many to tune out

I gave television news a chance - and it failed. I was looking for informational insight about the threat of war in Iraq and what I saw motivated me to do nothing but turn it off. It's quite cliché to think of the average college student's views on worldly issues as apathetic, but in my case, it's true.


Big-ticket books

Every semester Spartans, along with millions of other university students across the country, watch their minuscule bank accounts drain as textbook costs are tallied by bookstore cash registers.


Coach comments are premature

I would like to thank Salim Bhabhrawala for his brave and honest opinion of Mason's decision on MSU's new football coach ("Mason should have waited for big name," SN 1/6). Isn't freedom of speech just wonderful.


Bush pays too much attention to disease

Small pox was declared eradicated from the planet in 1980. Why then has it come into question if Americans should be vaccinated against the disease? There is a potential danger of contracting small pox and dying, but this is less than one in 100.


Northern 'U'

Welcome to mini East Lansing. This quickly growing junior-size city is located on a plot of land shared by the college town and Bath Township.


Reviews support coporate rock

Just a comment on the record reviews. When I saw Sponge with four "CDs," ("Sponge triumphs with new release," SN 1/7) I thought to myself, "Wow, they must have really put out a good album." Then, I saw the review for the "Bright Eyes" album only had 1 "CD" ("'Lifted' leaves listeners feeling everything but," SN 1/7). I then realized that the reviewer doesn't understand the concept of being creative, doing something different and doing something worthwhile.