Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Missing persons

Stiffer penalties should be enforced for convicted sex offenders who fail to stay within the law. Michigan law enforcement agencies say they do not know how to find 1,313 rapists, child molesters, pornographers and other sex offenders who have moved without reporting their new addresses.


Just say yes

ASMSU would be wise to join the voices of 75 other student governments by telling Washington to find another way to fight America's war on drugs. MSU's undergraduate student government is set to decide Thursday if it will condemn a national policy prohibiting students convicted of drug crimes from receiving federal student loans. According to the Drug Policy Alliance, the United States awards about $40 billion in financial aid to 7 million students each year.


War, not gas, should concern students

I was outraged when one of your interviewees in the article "Students weigh in on merits of potential Middle East conflict" (SN 1/13) mentioned "the economy would improve if we went to war." The fact that someone would rather send thousands of men and women to their potential death than pay an additional 3 cents per gallon at the pump reflects the sad state of our society.


America's unalienable rights include selfishness, greed, power

"When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." America: Land of the free, home of the brave. Yeah, right. One would have to be blind, deaf and ignorant not to see the truth.


Petty cash

Any Spartan would delight in the idea of finding an extra $6 million laying around when economic times turn tough.


Letter wrong to criticize efforts

I forgot how liberalized MSU has become, and it's sickening. I'm by no means part of the right wing, but for people in the bubble that is college life to criticize our efforts abroad is very arrogant ("War abroad ignores problems at home," SN 1/13). Let's ignore Iraq.


Study comments out of context

I want to thank The State News for its continued interest in the National Collegiate Health Assessment, especially in light of those things that impact academic health, but I am very concerned The State News took comments and the purpose of the study on this issue out of context.


Bobby's den

The Lions are hoping to gain from MSU's pain. Former MSU head football coach Bobby Williams is now employed as running backs coach for the Detroit Lions.


Hard work, dedication make a winner - not the No. 1

Over the holiday break, I lost count of how many bowl games I watched. When I realized I was listening to languages other than English, I knew I had entered another world zone on the satellite and it was time to turn the television off because something was critically wrong.


Crazy eights

Early rising isn't a potion for success in college for everyone. But it is for some. And even though a 2002 National Collegiate Health Assessment study said early classes hurt students' grades, Penn State University officials should reconsider their decision to eliminate all 8 a.m.


Izzo doing well with what he has

As I read "Izzo needs to bring back elite program" (SN 1/10), I was shocked by the audacity of the writer to even hint that in some way, shape or form the basketball program is falling by the wayside.


Open the doors

It seems members of the MSU Board of Trustees have forgotten how they landed their honorable political positions.


Professors, students should debate war

As a letter of suggestion, and for the interests of those at and beyond the borders of MSU, I feel that a full page titled "War?" be dedicated to the opinions of those in this multiethnic little city.