Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Column is full of lies, misguided

Matt Treadwell's article criticizing America was misguided, full of lies and shamefully inaccurate ("America's unalienable rights include selfishness, greed, power," SN 1/15). Perhaps equally shameful was the fact it was published.


Aversive ads

MSU President M. Peter McPherson was right Tuesday to criticize a hateful flier posted in Shaw Hall as "reprehensible, cruel and degrading." There is no room for racism on this campus and blatantly racist acts should not be tolerated. The flier, which was found on Jan.


Media does not slant to the left

This is in response to two letters, "Column uses free speech to bash U.S." and "SN misrepresents 'U' as all liberals" (SN 1/17). It is perplexing how some Americans persist in believing - despite all evidence - that the media "has a liberal bias." Not only is this clearly false of television reporting, but also false of the majority of print media.


Budget back ups

The state government hasn't been shy about passing the buck of hard economic times on to Michigan municipalities and state-subsidized institutions.


Letter ignores world around us

In response to Dan McDonald's letter ("United States has problems of its own," SN 1/16), I would like to make a few points. As an American, I would ask McDonald to not assume things about people outside of his circle of war protesters.


Anti-war action

America is beginning to awaken from the slumber of taking political matters too lightly. Freezing temperatures did not stop nearly 1,000 protesters from gathering in front of Michigan's Capitol on Saturday for the Greater Lansing Network against War in Iraq's "Solidarity Walk." It also didn't stop the tens-of-thousands sized-crowd from an anti-war rally and march in Washington, D.C. Many protesters made signs such as "Drop Bush, Not Bombs" and "Weapons of Mass Destruction, Who Used Them First?" to show their outrage against the conflict with Iraq.


Valued vaccines

MSU has taken a sensible step toward improving the heath of its student body by requiring undergraduate students to report their vaccination history to Olin Heath Center before registering for classes.


Americans need to utilize free speech

I am responding to the letter entitled, "Column uses free speech to bash U.S." (SN 1/17). One of the great things about this country is that each citizen has a right (and I also believe an obligation) to criticize his or her own government without the threat of being arrested. While I don't agree with all of the points made by the author of the original offending column, "America's unalienable rights include selfishness, greed, power" (SN 1/15), I do understand the difference between "bashing" and "criticizing." While the former points out faults to deride, the latter points out faults to improve.


Title drives wedge between couples

The title The State News chose to give Adrienne Broaddus' column ("Interracial dating should not be a societal taboo," SN 1/17) was disheartening at least and ignorant at best, especially considering the Martin Luther King Jr.