Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Paid connection

The university's proposed Ethernet fee for August is unfortunate, but because of increased use on campus, an added expense is necessary to cover the expansion of cost.


Conservative side needs to be heard

Lately it seems people with conservative opinions have not been able to express their ideas on this campus. Oftentimes, being labeled a conservative is as good as being labeled a racist or a bigot.


Virginity is not something to be ashamed of, but to celebrate

Virginity, virginity, virginity. What is it about this word that is so uncool? I know people who are so disgusted by the idea of being a virgin that they would rather be caught with a stash of drugs by the police than to admit they were a virgin. This is hard for me to relate to because I grew up thinking of virginity as a positive thing.


Losing battle

It's heartbreaking to hear East Lansing school officials announce budget problems will bring the likely close of Spartan Village Elementary School less than one year after community members fought tooth and nail to keep the building open. East Lansing Public Schools Superintendent Tom Giblin said Monday the district's preliminary plan to compensate for a projected $4.2 million budget shortfall in the next fiscal year includes the closing of Spartan Village Elementary, 1460 Middlevale Road, the laying off of about 30 teachers and restructuring the district. In May, the East Lansing school board voted to downsize the Spartan Village school from a kindergarten-to-sixth-grade elementary to a kindergarten-to-second-grade school.


Looming layoffs

Potential layoffs have been on the minds of many members of the Clerical-Technical Union of MSU. Union members are expected to meet today to discuss negotiations with university officials.


The '80s might be over, but 'good old days' are to come

The world has gone to pot. I used to think only my grandparents spoke about "the good old days," but now I find my memory winding back to the 1980s more and more. Those were "the good old days." Those were the days when the biggest decision I had to make was where to hide when the whole block was declared "in bounds" for a game of hide-and-seek. Those were the days when summers lasted a year and the chill of winter was tamed with a sufficient hill and a sled.


Helpful hikes

Although the state government does spend a lot of money on unnecessary things, cutting government spending is not an end-all answer to the deficit the state has at hand.


Intruder alarm

East Lansing police might be jumping the gun by airing their gut reactions before concrete evidence is on hand.