Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Financial fears

Gov. Jennifer Granholm said what everyone was expecting to hear - higher-education funding is not safe from the chopping block. The $5-million budget cut will force MSU to become more creative in tightening its belt.


Izzone isn't TV fame, freebies

I am writing in response to "Ozone deserves Izzone-type respect" (SN 1/30). I have nothing against the Ozone, but this 1984 graduate is going on bad information.


Dorm residents are not always secure

After the recent unfortunate incident involving a student being held at knife point in Case Hall, residents of dorms at MSU must be reminded that just because we live in the dorms, we are not always safe.


Lost dreams

It's difficult to know how to properly mourn NASA's Columbia crew - the world's lost heroes.


Virginity column was welcome view

I would just like to thank Chrystal Liebold and The State News for printing an article that brings to light an unnecessary stereotype ("Virginity is not something to be ashamed of, but to celebrate," SN 1/30). It's a shame the way society portrays virgins as na


All opinions are present on campus

Several recent columns and letters to the editor, including Colleen Card's ("Conservative side needs to be heard," SN 1/30), have expressed the views that political conservatives are not heard or tolerated on this campus.


Attacking Iraq would be act of terrorism

We must realize in this age of unparalleled technological progress it is only going to get harder to stop rival countries from obtaining weapons of mass destruction. Realizing this, we cannot use possession of weapons as the sole reason to attack a country.


Forbidden files

MSU students might not have the convenience of downloading music and movies for free any longer if the university is forced to give out names.


Temporary delay

Most people are familiar with the phrase, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." But who has ever heard, "When the economy gets ugly, job-seekers get scared"? Makes sense though, doesn't it?


State of fear

Usually, American presidents use their annual State of the Union address as a report card for the government.


Taxes necessary to run government

This is in response to the editorial "Helpful hikes," (SN 1/28). Calling for "no new taxes" doesn't help state government, it only keeps revenue from services. When an economy goes into a recession, tax revenues fall.