Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Powell's push

Many U.S. leaders have criticized the United Nations recently as being more skeptical and critical than an average jury when hearing American diplomats present their case for war with Iraq.


Noise is golden

The East Lansing City Council should not turn a deaf ear to students who always seem to be the target of noise violations.


Reality TV offers break from reality

After reading Jessica Nowak's recent indictment of her friend's inclination to watch "The Real World" as opposed to President Bush's State of the Union address ("Instead of watching 'Real World,' read a newspaper, get informed," SN 2/3), I can only extend my most cordial sympathies to her dear friend, who deserved not a word of public criticism. Nowak's controversial stance on current affairs (being informed is good) is rational, but I don't think that watching a dull speech populated with patriotic clichés and methodical applause necessarily makes one any more informed than one already is.


Our résumé shows humans don't have ultimate control

And the lord god created both men and women to inherit the Earth. He then saw what he had made, and he knew there was going to be trouble. Every creation story I've encountered, including the two accounts told in the Bible, depicts humans as the pinnacle invention in the metamorphosis of order from chaos. And why shouldn't we be? After all, we have subdued the Earth with our agricultural prowess and conquered the seas and skies with ships and planes.


Charges violate First Amendment

I almost fell out of my seat in class when I read the headline "Suspect charged for posting offensive flier" (SN 2/3). Have we completely forgotten about that all-important document that expresses and guarantees the freedoms that our forefathers have fought and died for?


Patriot pressure

The congressional bill that aims to require all U.S. citizens and permanent residents aged 18-26 to complete at least two years of military service is unnecessary and un-American. U.S.


Offensive flier was racist and sexist

I don't know about anyone else here on this campus, but I am really, really mad. Police have a suspect and charges have been filed against an individual for posting racist and sexist flyers in Shaw Hall ("Suspect charged for posting offensive flier," SN 2/3). I cannot believe he is only being charged with a misdemeanor. More than half of the American population is being threatened with violence.


War is not answer to Iraq conflict

Attacking Iraq will not make us safer. Indeed, Saddam Hussein will be more likely to use whatever weapons he has against us, not less likely, if we begin bombing him. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was a far more dangerous opponent than Iraq could ever be.


Bush's speech contradicts itself

This letter is in response to Tim Phelps' letter on the editorial "State of Fear" (SN 1/30) ("Lambasting of Bush shows liberal bias," SN 1/31). During his State of the Union address, President Bush said, "Jobs are created when the economy grows; the economy grows when Americans have more money to spend and invest; and the best and fairest way to make sure Americans have that money is not to tax it away in the first place." He then proposes "only" a 4-percent increase in the federal government's discretionary spending limit, committing an additional $400 billion during the next decade to strengthen Medicare, creating a research fund of $1.2 billion to develop hydrogen-powered automobiles, earmarking $450 million to bring mentors to disadvantaged youth, a new $600-million drug treatment plan and a $15-billion commitment to treat AIDS in Africa and the Caribbean. Something smells fishy.


Shady source

MSU Internet use has been increasing with 1.817 billion megabytes of Internet traffic used last year compared to 38 million megabytes used in the 1997-98 fiscal year.


Beyond safe

Welcome to the real world - and we're not talking about the MTV supposed reality program. This is the place were life is usually safe and peaceful while the threat of danger sometimes lurks around the corners.


Holland wrestles with allowance of Mexican ID

Producing white-out conditions, the lake-effect snow persists in its steady slant, rendering what appear to be historic landmarks - schools, businesses and a small number of pedestrians indiscernible from one another.


Heroes vanish in morning sky

What you have to understand is I was there from the beginning. I must have shown a fondness for space, or my mother could have known it was just history to be witnessed; regardless, at 7 in the morning on an April Sunday in 1981, I was pointed at the television to watch Columbia lift-off for the first time.