Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Labeling just bogs down discourse

Wow, I am a radical liberal. After a recent letter to the editor branding a number of opinion writers, including myself, as radical liberals, I thought I would sit down and ponder long and hard to get a clearer perspective of who I really am.


Affirmative action covers white women

I am so sick of uneducated people saying things about affirmative action, especially white females, because they are covered under this policy as well ("U-M policy doesn't award for hardship," SN 2/20). I would like to give you the basics on what affirmative action is.


Homeland security

I am writing in response to the editorial "Nothing to fear," (SN 2/21). This opinion piece demonstrates many of the problems inherent in the way some people view security and homeland security specifically.


Writer needs to be open to both sides

In Matt Treadwell's latest column "Being anti-war doesn't make one unpatriotic, pro-Saddam" (SN 2/19), he wrote how unfair it is that those who oppose his views blindly label him as a traitor to his country and a supporter of Saddam Hussein.


Bio benefits

While the days of flying saucer-shaped cars might still be far off, the state Legislature is making a small step toward securing Michigan's future with a tax break given to biofuel creators. We're talking about a greener, brighter future in which the fuel put into our vehicles is fashioned with renewable sources such as soy.


Fat free

It seems university and state officials would rather spend time whining and pointing fingers than actually working together to find the best way to allocate limited funding sources. Gov.


Democrats blindly follow Granholm

In regards to your editorial "Left Behind" (SN 2/20), I am wondering why The State News is surprised by the actions of the Democratic members of the House Appropriations Committee in their support for Gov.


Safe students

Kudos to MSU's undergraduate student government and Residence Halls Association for joining the campus safety discussion that has risen since a Case Hall freshman was held at knife point last month. If there is an authority of campus safety issues, it is the student body who is affected by such measures.


Policy must include gender identity

I am writing to voice my frustration with the continued discrimination at MSU. Currently, any student, faculty or staff member can be discriminated against because of one's real or perceived gender.


Korean subway tragedy hits close to second home

Some of you more avid State News readers might recognize my face as the soccer columnist who, last summer, trekked across the globe and wrote four stories about my experiences in South Korea and at the World Cup. While there, I encountered some of the friendliest people I have ever met. Frequently my two brothers, cousin and myself would be standing on a train or subway platform as we waited to return to Seoul from other cities all across Korea, often where we had just witnessed a World Cup soccer game. Sometimes we knew which line to take and sometimes we didn't, but no matter the case, a Korean citizen, recognizing we were foreigners, would approach us calmly and ask us if we needed directions or where we were going.


Call for preemptive strikes un-American

I would like to comment on Andrew Goetz's column, "War might be answer for peace, appeasement has failed before," (SN 2/20). I challenge the notion of preemptive strikes based on the possible threat of danger to the United States.


Nothing to fear

Well, it's time to dust off your Y2K kit and Cold War safety diagrams. Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and his new department are expanding their budget as they move up their grade school-esque warning systems from colors to shapes. Ridge is advising us to "Make a kit!" and "Have a plan!" He has millions of dollars in his budget and his department is giving us diagrams that tell us, when trapped, head to an exit with a nice arrow leading the way. Ridge also informs us about what to put in our emergency kits: Duct tape, plastic sheeting and water, among other items. Thank you, Mr. Secretary.


Affirmative action is misunderstood

If ignorance is bliss, the happiest people in the world must be walking around MSU's campus. This is in response to "U-M policy doesn't award for hardship," (SN 2/20). I'm tired of the lack of support for affirmative action and the ignorance about who it helps.


U-M policy doesn't award for hardship

I am so sick and tired of the University of Michigan admission policy crap. It is ridiculous. Giving someone extra "points" because of where they come from or the color of their skin is a load of bull.


Left behind

Yes, it was a no-win scenario. Yes, trivial arguments over altering cuts by decimal points wouldn't really help much.


War might be answer for peace; appeasement has failed before

Almost 60 years after World War II ended, France and Germany are again united. No, France did not unconditionally capitulate after a stunning display of military incompetence (again). Instead, the nation that surrenders whenever the weather turns cloudy has forged a diplomatic alliance with the nation that refined systematic genocide, as both France and Germany have vehemently protested American and British military pressure currently compelling Iraq to disarm. Pardon my exponentially increasing nationalism, but do our French and German allies have long-term memories that extend beyond three months? France and Germany insist weapons inspections in Iraq must be given more time, expanded in scope and equipped with more intelligence data.