Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Nonminorities are not racism victims

This is in response to "Since mannequin is white, no one cares," (SN 2/26). I wanted to inform Sarah Nalett who stated, "Hasn't anyone ever heard that black people or other minorities can be racist?" This is an incorrect statement.


Drinking dilemma

As people worry minors make up one-fifth of the nation's drinkers, the real focus should fall on anyone drinking a fifth in a single sitting. An alcoholic is an alcoholic is an alcoholic, whether 12 years old or 44.


Cut short

A university campus is a vast garden fit for planting seeds of knowledge to bear fruit to make the world a better place.


Meeting disruption totally uncalled for

As spokesman for the organization whose event was interrupted on Tuesday, I would like to further address the issue beyond what The State News presented in its article "Controversial talk interrupted" (SN 2/26). The individual who felt the topic of the presentation had been misrepresented clearly did not exercise the rationale one needs in order to arrive at that conclusion.


Bush/Saddam debate is an absurd prospect

Matt Treadwell's column on the proposed President Bush/Saddam Hussein debate is entirely absurd for several reasons ("Bush should accept Saddam's debate offer - unless he's yella," SN 2/26). It would be much easier for Saddam to win the debate because he isn't constrained by having to tell anything remotely close to the truth.


Jihad needs to be clarified to U.S. public

Muslims are such bad people. Wouldn't the world be such a peaceful place without them? And look at how those Muslims are so violent, they even have this thing called jihad intended to make people's lives miserable.The above sentences are the most untrue garbage you might ever read, yet it is sadly garbage that we as Americans encounter every day.


One step in a bookstore will humble the most arrogant person

The quickest way to strip myself of whatever hubris I accrue is simply to enter a bookstore. I've concluded Schuler's is nothing more than a warehouse designed to demonstrate to me that even if I spent every moment of my life reading, I would die knowing a tiny portion of the measure of human knowledge.


Bush should accept Saddam's debate offer - unless he's yella

It's the most constructive idea I've heard since the American network media jumped on the president's "Showdown with Saddam" bandwagon. And the surprising part is - now brace yourself - it came from Iraq's "evil dictator" himself. CBS news anchor Dan Rather reported Monday Iraqi President Saddam Hussein proposed participating in a debate with President Bush via live radio and television satellite linkup. Rather is the first American journalist to be granted an interview with Saddam in a decade.


Bus way would be positive for campus

I am writing to respond to the letter written by Sue Hammar and Mary Fantacone about the CATA bus way ruining an "unofficial dog park" ("Bus way would ruin unofficial dog park," SN 2/20). I agree this small recreational area for people and their dogs is a benefit to the community.


Blaming 'prank' on race isn't helpful

This letter is in response to an article written by Chrystal Griffin and Chad Previch on Feb. 25 ("Police: Prank not race related," SN 2/25). I believe the "prank" at Chandler Crossings was made up to be something it wasn't.



America needs affirmative action. It is the inherent duty of our governmental institutions to level the playing field of life and root for the underdog so he or she can come to realize the American dream - the rags-to-riches story that helps constitute our national ideology. There are some Americans who seem afraid of what a level playing field could mean for their own quality of life; perhaps filling in the gaps between the have and have-nots might mean they will have less.


High priority

With 30 teachers laid off and the closing of Spartan Village Elementary School in East Lansing alone, it is obvious that Michigan is not headed in the right direction by cutting budgets for K-12 education.


Affirmative action policy is necessary

If you are a white student who feels that you were, or could have been, snubbed by the affirmative action policies of colleges and universities, and therefore are praying for its demise this April, I agree with you on one stance.


It's about time

Policy makers for MSU's Academic Council have redefined the meaning of LBGT to mean Lacking Better Gender Treatment. MSU, a university under the flag of diversity, has been fumbling with a gender clause that needs to be added to its Anti-Discrimination Policy. By means of a footnote, the Academic Council could alter the policy to give protection to issues involving gender identity. The council is a policy-making group of administrators, faculty and students who make recommendations to MSU's Board of Trustees.


Use your head

To use the word "disturbing" to describe the real-life image of a burnt mannequin head with a knife through it would be making light of a stomach-wrenching sight. Although the three men, all minorities, who are responsible for burning the head along with other items outside the Village at Chandler Crossings apartment complex in Bath Township, might not have meant to ethnically intimidate anyone, their actions spoke louder than their intentions. The image of the burnt head, which was displayed prominently on the front page of The State News on Monday and by television news agencies throughout the community Sunday, was a haunting reminder of a country's marred past and struggling present. If the appearance of a burnt head with a knife through it in a tree doesn't offend everyone who views it, people are in serious need of having their emotions and attitudes examined. Whether the intentions of Saturday's pyromaniacs were racially ill does not mute the fact that the outcome of their actions was nauseating and abominable. Bath Township police say one of the three men who admitted to the mannequin burning had recently broken up with his girlfriend and the group set ablaze of her left-over possessions. Given that explanation, it is somewhat of a relief that the responsible party's intentions weren't racially motivated.