Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Ads at issue

According to the Constitution and its chief interpreters, all opinions - even those that are ignorant or unpopular - have a place to be heard in the United States. In late February, The State News entered into an advertising contract with and the One Truth organization.


'U' band deserves courtside seats

I would like to reply to the letter by Joe Stein, "Band belongs in the corner of Breslin" (SN 3/10). If you had half the commitment the MSU band students have you would not be posting such an idiotic remark.


Good, evil aren't just identified by different-colored hats

I've come to the conclusion that life would be a lot easier if things were in fact just like Hollywood fantasies portrayed them to be. We certainly would never need to devote much thought or energy into deciphering who is good and evil in the world - the good guys would all wear white cowboy hats and the bad guys would sport black ones.


Decision to run ads is disappointing

I am upset and disappointed by The State News' decision to run ads placed by is a group which purports to tell the "truth" and acknowledges in its ads that there are "two sides" to every story.


Bringing balance

In a collapsing economy that's leaving no federal, state or city agency untouched in its unpredictable path, one campus organization was able to keep its budget within just $35 of the previous year's. That organization is... ASMSU? MSU's undergraduate student government that loves to try to jack up our taxes by $3 to provide us with "free" 50-cent blue books has suddenly reached a plateau of financial stability in a shaky economic climate.


Curse of the corner

It's one thing when a mom-and-pop store goes down on Grand River Avenue, but when titans like Big Boy are falling dead, some questions are raised. The Big Boy at 101 E.


Ads reinforce very harmful stereotype

I would like to commend Michael Perez for his column, "Running ads could incite violence, perpetuate discrimination" (SN 3/10). The State News is irresponsible for running ads which reinforce false stereotypes about Arabs.


Racism can easily be a two-way street

This is a response to Magan Butler-Coleman's letter ("Nonminorities are not racism victims," SN 2/27). It is interesting to hear that the vice president of the Akers Hall Black Caucus would have such a narrow-minded opinion.


Ads paint incorrect picture of Palestine

I have noticed a few (or as I'll say, skewed campus truth) ads placed in the paper, one of which paints Palestinians as lunatics who glorify destruction while Israelis are illustrated as peace-loving victims of Palestinian brutality.


White people can be victim to racism

I feel an intense need to respond to Magan Butler-Coleman's letter "Nonminorities are not racism victims" (SN 2/27). I am a white student, coming from an almost all-white town in northern Michigan.


One-man show

During the course of human events, moments arise in which political leaders are forced to make choices that have the potential to alter world history forever.


Safety first

A few spurs were jostled when a horse at the Michigan Horse Council's Horse Expo 2003 got out of control and went on a rampage, injuring two people.