Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Tisk tax

In the spirit of campuswide referendums, two groups within the MSU community are coming forward to ask for small additions to the taxes imposed on student tuition bills.


Demonstration was off target with point

This letter is in response to the "War fears fuel protest" (SN 3/13). I can't believe that more than 30 people wasted their time by trying to build a human blockade at a local Shell gas station. How does buying Shell gasoline prevent a war?


Want peace? Learn to respect people despite differences

I began to think of the many things that one could offer opinions on this week. I thought of trying to focus on the war with Iraq, the economy that is affecting MSU or the upsurge in vicious rhetoric that has seen racist comments on doors, ministers calling Mohammed a monster and innocent people being killed because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Citezenship 101

On Wednesday, at about the same time when you've checked your e-mail for the ump-teenth time or during that period of the day when you are wasting your life away chatting on AOL Instant Messenger, take a few seconds to be a contributing member of society. Don't forget to vote in MSU's 2003 student referendum by logging onto


SN snubbed women in tournament hype

Indeed it is March Madness as noted by The State News' special sports sections on Monday - "Courtside and Bracket Madness." Unfortunately, those sections failed to give the whole story of March Madness.


Despite war, people should be pro-USA

Feelings about the situation with Iraq are getting stronger and becoming increasingly more public. The recent protest at the Shell gas station in Frandor is just one example. In my hometown of Augusta, Mich., different people are reacting differently just as they are here in East Lansing. The voice for "no war" is a loud one wherever you go.


Tuition caps prove harmful for 'U'

In this time of reduced appropriations and fear from wild rumors of tuition increasing 30 percent, some feel it's necessary to recommend tuition caps as a necessary tool to restrain tuition.


Protest did not respect rights

With regard to the "War fears fuel protest" (SN 3/13) article in Thursday's paper, I have a few things to say to these "protesters" with whom I've had plenty of run-ins since the beginning of the semester.


Tax task

Taxes are inevitable on a student's tuition bill, but prior to voting March 19, the MSU community should take into account all aspects of the way money is handled by a group before casting a vote.


Essential arts

Lawmakers might find it easy to brush aside art programs to balance a gloomy state budget. But a lack of creativity could prove more costly to the state's future than any $1.7-billion deficit if it becomes the price-slashing norm in Lansing. On March 6, Gov.


Petty cash?

Two-thousand dollars is petty cash thrown around by all the student millionaires that go to MSU. "Students in general who have scored well enough on the MEAP exam to achieve these scholarships are students that are college bound and will find the resources to funding," said Pamela Horne, assistant to the provost for enrollment management and director of admissions, in response to Gov.


France fried

Congressional leaders couldn't have acted sooner and more appropriately Tuesday when they decided to begin getting the French out of America by replacing french fries with "freedom fries" and French toast with "freedom toast." All U.S.


Ads represent what actually happened

This letter is in response to the controversy over the series of ads about Palestinians. As a pro-Israel MSU student, I support publication that displays facts about Arab communities celebrating on Sept.


Racism is severe against blacks

Nonminorities might face racism now and then, but it is nowhere near the severity of the treatment minorities face every day from teachers, bosses, co-workers and classmates.


Ads aren't pleasant but are accurate

The protests of are acceptable but do not refute the truth behind these pictures. Regardless of the light in which it paints Palestinians, these pictures are accurate. I charge the protesters to disprove the pictures of Israelis mourning on Sept.