Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Melee ruined effort of Spartan ballers

Never in my three years at this school have I been more embarrassed to be a Spartan. On a day when I couldn't be more proud of our Spartans for their efforts on the court, I witness such useless destruction.


Police focus wasn't protecting students

The MSU win Friday sparked a peaceful celebration which provoked police to arrest several people for things as minor as the following: one young man with an open can of beer who debated with officers about pouring it out, a student who questioned officers why they were arresting his friend and a gentleman who was merely tackling his roommate in celebration of victory. On Sunday evening, the instances that occurred truly proved "two wrongs don't make a right." Although unruly students might have been destructive, the police reaction was completely out of control.


Head hunting

Students and residents in East Lansing have little time to cope with the heart-breaking costs of war in Iraq as Sunday's juvenile melee on and near campus has left the community mulling the cost of a worthless riot. Despite budgets burdened by the state's broken economy, MSU and East Lansing officials say they are willing to pay up to $2,500 in rewards for information leading to the arrest and conviction of participants in Sunday night's riot.


Affirmative action case needs support

This is very hard for me to say, given that I've been a Spartan my entire adult life, but the times call for it. Go Michigan! To those who disagree with its policies, I'd simply like to add: if we all started out on a level playing field, there would be no need for affirmative action anymore.


ASMSU benefits from endorsements

MSU's undergraduate student government is different than most of its relatives. We have a bicameral student government and award special seats to minorities and interest groups.


Unfair fight

The unfortunate reality of war is that citizens not directly involved in conflict sometimes lose their lives.


Riot was uncalled for, destructive

Around 8 p.m. Sunday, I watched as hundreds of Spartans mobbed toward the rock on Farm Lane chanting "go green" and "f*** Texas." I was bitter because I was stuck at the Auditorium, working on class projects.


Crossed the line

For the more than 2,000 people who took to the streets Sunday to wreak havoc in East Lansing and on campus, feel free to find the nearest exit from the MSU community.


Elite outlook

Though no championship banners will be raised or titles claimed, the members of the MSU men's basketball team should hold their heads high. The Spartans battled their way through a grueling season, and their suffering paid off in this year's Big Dance. Some might view MSU as just a Cinderella, but Spartan fans everywhere know we weren't wearing glass slippers.