Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



If Bush lied, he should be punished

In response to Brett A. Gillespie's letter ("Bush weapons 'lie' differs from Clinton," SN 6/16), he's correct, Bill Clinton was found to have given false statements while under oath.


Weapons regardless, war was necessary

President Bush did not lie. He did not exaggerate and he did not bend the truth. Bush told the world, through Defense Secretary Colin Powell at the United Nations, everything we knew that wouldn't jeopardize the security of our operatives in the field.


It's coming

The First Amendment to the Constitution is one many people hold dear. Among the freedoms guaranteed in this amendment is the right to peaceably assemble.And people across the country, especially students, should do just that when the Supreme Court soon hands down its ruling in the University of Michigan affirmative action case.


President should be tried for crimes

In a recent letter Brett A. Gillespie states, rather incredulously, that Bush "has not broken any American law," and unlike Clinton, is not eligible for impeachment ("Bush weapons 'lie' differs from Clinton," SN 6/16). Whether or not weapons of mass destruction are ever found in Iraq, it is clear at the time of the war they were not readily accessible in any quantity, or they would have been already discovered by now, even though Iraq is, by Bush's assertion, "a big country." But lying about weapons of mass destruction is not the only reason Bush should be impeached and then removed from office.


'U' does have one Nobel Prize winner

I would like to correct Josh Haussman's assertion that MSU does not have any Nobel Prize winners ('U' will benefit from "BasketBowl" SN 6/11). While it is nowhere near as many as we'd like to have, we do have one Nobel laureate alumnus, Alfred D.


Shelter shouldn't deal with research

Animals taken from shelters and pounds should not become research and teaching subjects. Consider each individual companion cat or dog and what it goes through after being transferred from a human home to a shelter to a dealer and then from a Class 'B' dealer to a laboratory for lethal experiments. After being held temporarily at the shelter and being exposed to several other animals that might have underlying maladies, the animals are transferred to animal dealers who are required by federal law to hold them for only 10 days.


What weapons?

Before going to war with Iraq in March, the U.S. government said it had "evidence" from numerous intelligence organizations showing, beyond the shadow of a doubt, former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.


Right direction

Members of the Episcopal Church took a large step late last week. The Diocese of New Hampshire elected the Rev.


Dealers done

The Ingham County Board of Commissioners took a step in the right direction by continuing to allow the sale of shelter animals for research.


Animal research at 'U' is unnecessary

The fact that researchers at MSU prefer to buy dogs at a discounted price is not an excuse for turning the state's shelters into their own twisted versions of Wal-Mart ("Officials: Animal research costs less when buying through dealers," SN 6/5). There are many reasons why people bring their companion animals to the local shelter including illness, the break up of the family, military duty, resettlement to a community that does not allow animals or the inability to provide adequate veterinary care.


Hardship, bigotry exists in U.S., must be taken care of now

"You (insert term used for your racial/ethnic group), get out of here. We don't want to serve you..." Imagine that statement being made to you or someone close to you by a Meijer employee, when you go to pay for filling up your car with gas. Imagine that instead of some sort of apology, you are met with, "Our team member didn't do anything wrong." Imagine you are someone of Arab or Middle Eastern decent, and the term to be inserted in the statement above is "Arabs." Well, you really don't need to use your imagination all that much, because, according to a Macomb Daily story on May 8, that happened in a Meijer store in Fraser, Mich, not too long ago to Mohammed Karhani and his son, Bilal.