Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Wealthy, not needy, rewarded by U-M

Elissa Bretz's criticism of State News columnist Jason Miller wasn't true ("Columnist lacks research in writing," SN 6/30), because she misses the reality of what race-based admissions do to applicants.


State delivers

Creating additional jobs in Benton Harbor is a step in the right direction of rectifying the underlying issues that fueled the city's riots. But it's a shame it took such an uproar to call attention to the severe economic problems that encompass the area.


Costly errors

In trying financial times, it's not good public policy to also deny aid to those who need economic support, but needlessly forfeit money to the federal government. But Michigan is apparently doing both.


Mainstream media wrong to ignore minority hate crimes

A while ago I wrote a column about the tragically growing trend of young murder victims due to their real or perceived gender transgressions ("Day offers remembrance, reflection on life's struggles", SN 11/21). The numbers are ever soaring, the victims and perpetrators alike getting younger, the murders ever more brutal. One of the many transgender hate crime victims was 17-year-old transwoman Gwen Araujo of Newark, Calif.


Affirmative action fuels discrimination

Andrew Goetz was off the mark in his column dealing with affirmative action ("Conservatives inconsistent with policy," SN 6/26). What most Democrats and some Republicans do not realize is that affirmative action, and other similar programs, are fundamentally flawed.


Columnist lacks research in writing

I would like to inform Jason C. Miller that under the University of Michigan point system, a "white poor student from a failing school in Lansing" would receive the same 20-point advantage given to a "rich black student from excellent schools in Oakland County." The 20 points awarded for race also was awarded to white students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds and white students who attend high schools, like the public Lansing high schools, where the majority of students are minorities.


Unhealthy cuts

A statewide nursing shortage treated with limited enrollment at MSU's College of Nursing can't make anyone feel better. The projected 6.5 percent cut in higher education funding has forced MSU and other Michigan universities to make detrimental cutbacks and freezes in needed programs such as MSU's College of Nursing. MSU's College of Nursing reports an 80 student-limit for the past few years while turning away 150 students this year. Health care and other like educational programs are too important for the future of our nation.


Late advances

If the United States is a country that truly believes in not establishing a national religion or the free practice thereof, it shouldn't attempt to make and enforce some laws dictating morality. Thankfully, one such law was struck down by the Supreme Court on Thursday.


Diversity at 'U' not fair for LGBT people

June is an important month for the lesbian, bisexual, gay, and transgender population. Gov. Jennifer Granholm has declared it Pride Month, and the Supreme Court made a ruling on a case based on the discriminatory sodomy laws (one of which exists on the books in the Michigan Legislature), and Canada is in the process of legalizing gay marriage. It is sad to see just across the lake, our more progressive neighbors are fully embracing diversity, and it's times like these that make me wish I wasn't American.


Conservatives hold one-sided argument

This is in response to the conflicting attitudes on the Supreme Court's landmark jurisdiction and stellar preservation of protecting our university's interest in increasing diversity in higher education.


Filters prohibit

U.S. Supreme Court justices said public libraries must use Internet filters to prevent users from looking at pornography or lose federal funding in a ruling Monday.


Conservatives inconsistent with policy

The talking heads of the right wing claim they want to run the government like a business, yet they oppose an affirmative action program specifically supported in briefs by Fortune 500 companies. They claim to support national security, yet they oppose affirmative action policies which high-ranking military officers assert are essential to national security. In short, when dealing with affirmative action, the right wing is consistently inconsistent. On Monday, in a 5-4 decision, the U.S.


Rioting sparked attention needed

This letter is in response to the editorial "Rioting useless" (SN 6/23). It begins with "It's a sad day when tragedy begets tragedy." The sad part about the Benton Harbor rioting is it took such a tragedy to inspire the folks there to rise up, and demand something be done about the racism, oppression and police brutality that is going on in the city of Benton Harbor and all over the world. The State News suggested the residents of Benton Harbor "appeal to the Benton Harbor City Council or petition their representative in government for legislation that would aid them


Service appreciated

When Earvin "Magic" Johnson was diagnosed with HIV, he was lucky enough to have the financial resources to be able to afford some of the best treatment offered.