Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Take the test

At first, kids would jump at the idea of a four-day school week. But if you told them it would mean they'd have to be in school longer per day, they would take time to think about the tradeoff.


There's something about Harry

I was that girl at my math final. That's right, I arrived a modest 10 minutes early to the single most challenging class session of my college career without my calculator.


Local government is right to challenge USA Patriot Act, protect people's civil liberties

Civil liberties need to be protected amidst events such as the war in Iraq and terrorism. The Ann Arbor City Council passed a resolution to protect civil liberties, which also could limit Ann Arbor police enforcement of immigration laws on Monday, The Ann Arbor News reported. Benjamin Franklin said "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Perhaps never in our nation's history has this statement had more prevalence and meaning than now.


Departing faculty member valuable

In response to "Faculty member leaves 'U' to teach in Germany" (SN 7/2), I would like to state MSU is extremely fortunate to have Mei Zhuang as a faculty member. She is an excellent teacher of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics or advanced engineering mathematics.



Company officials of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. announced Wednesday their antidiscrimination policy has been amended to include homosexuals.


State legislatures too incompetent

In response to "Frist opposes gay marriage" (SN 6/30), Sen. Bill Frist, R-Tenn., doesn't sound compassionate or conservative saying: "Generally, I think matters such as sodomy should be addressed by the state legislatures." Sorry Frist, but Michigan's legislature, as one example, seemed to not have the backbone to touch our state's outdated law that made oral and anal sex between adults, straight and gay, illegal. Yet the state Legislature can update its salary regularly. They meet three days a week and earn $77,260 a year.


Learning to shop

Sending K-12 students to malls for field trips is a good idea as long as it's an appropriate group being sent, such as one that teaches students how businesses market their products. But field trips need to be more than entertainment - rather, infotainment. The Oakland Press reported for a Saturday story that some Michigan educators believe students can benefit from field trips to retail centers. "So much is required of the schools and students these days that any time spent away from the classroom would have to have a valuable academic purpose," Kay Cornell, assistant superintendent for instruction with the Royal Oak School District, told The Oakland Press. But students who aren't of the right age to appreciate the inner workings of the consumer-driven economy shouldn't be expected to grasp the value of hands-on education in the mall.


Nursing College working with 'U'

I appreciate The State News' interest in the College of Nursing and the nursing shortage. However, the editorial "Unhealthy cuts" (SN 6/30) requires clarification of facts. The College of Nursing has not downsized by reducing the number of students.


Start to finish

While legislatures across the country are trying to repair state budgets, a team of 20 men and women, led by MSU President M.


Fourth of July can be explosive fun when left to professionals

It's easy to be reminded of the Fourth of July holiday with the senses that fill our memories - the delicious aroma of barbecues, the sun's warm kiss embracing us while we lounge poolside and most fantastic of all are the fireworks that dazzle our eyes in the twilight hours of our nation's birthday.


Vanquish vertical

Simply changing the shape of driver's licenses will do little in the battle against the problem of underage drinking. But it will prove to be very effective at wasting money and accomplishing little else. A new law was instated which requires the state to start a $1 million project to issue vertically designed driver's licenses and I.D.


Diversity problem not just black, white

After reading numerous articles written on the debate over the recent affirmative action decision, I find myself very upset. I believe there is too much of a focus on how the decision will have an affect on African Americans.


Editorial makes too general statement

I have one question in response to the edit "Late advances" (SN 6/30). I am not disagreeing with the viewpoint that sodomy shouldn't be touched by the government. However, on the same platform, shouldn't marijuana be legalized?