Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Fraternity story unfair, not helpful

While the article on the Theta Delta Chi house goes to great lengths to portray it as negatively as possible, the writers conveniently fail to mention several things ("Chapter found destroyed," SN 7/10). First, State News members who entered the property to take pictures and rummage through the attic did so in violation of the law.


Survey skewed

During the March 27-28, 1999 riot, 10,000 MSU students hit the streets after the men's basketball team lost in the NCAA Tournament, causing about $250,000 in damages.


Some unfairly judge greeks; current situation unfortunate

I am a member of the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity and the deputy managing editor for The State News. This is a combination that has been, at times, frustrating because of incidents such as the possible condemning of the Theta Delta Chi house. For the past few days I have been thinking about what I have heard from other students and my fraternity brothers about this issue.


Blind justice

Letting Chris Webber off with a slap on the wrist shows that the justice system failed to treat every citizen fair and equal.


Schools wrong to overhaul test prep

In response to the State News story "Test results poorer in urban areas" (SN 7/14), it is no doubt that this is the truth. Unfortunately, the solution proposed by President Bush's "No Child Left Behind" policy pushes public education in the wrong direction.


Computer system change unnecessary

It's rather ironic how the MSU computer laboratories switched from their reliable, robust and secure grid Sun Solaris mail servers in exchange for a cheaper, low rent and clumsy Dell server.


Affirmative action needed, not vote

I somewhat agree with Carl Seidman in his letter "Poor, not minorities, should be rewarded." (SN 7/10). I agree the government should provide relief to poverty stricken communities and work toward bettering education, which is the primary source of inequality.


Cocker successful only as cover artist

A.P. Kryza chose to stand on a pretty big soapbox July 9 when he took on "cocky musicians" ("Cover artists should not waste breath on criticism" SN 7/9). I will agree the comments about Joe Cocker from Jerry Sprague were in bad taste but equally inappropriate were Kryza's own comments.


Stay too Short

With the United States in conflicts against terrorism and Iraq, it's good to see our president spend time on a humanitarian mission - if only he had spent more time there. President Bush recently ended his five-day, five-country African tour in which he denounced slavery and pledged to fight AIDS and poverty in parts of the underdeveloped continent.


Driving distracting

Doing more than one thing at a time is called multitasking. Chewing gum and walking down a sidewalk, or driving a car while talking on your cell phone are some examples.


Foe' column very touching, impressive

I would like to commend Jonathan Malavolti for an exceptional column ("Foé: Lionhearted in life, death," SN 7/10). As a true soccer fan and a native of Nigeria, I never thought I'd pick up The State News and see a column on soccer, let alone African soccer.


Ballot action

Democracy is the best way for the people to decide the fate of such a personal issue as affirmative action. The Sacramento, Calif.-based American Civil Rights Coalition is at work to place affirmative action's future on the Michigan ballot.


Live with lower

Lowering the legal blood-alcohol will help save both lives and funding, protecting our roads from both drunken drivers and poor road conditions. The state Senate passed legislation Thursday to decrease the legal blood-alcohol level from 0.10 to 0.08.