Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Universal health care needed today

Craig Gunn's column "Health insurance, though far off, deserves students' thoughts" (SN 8/4), brings up the very important and pertinent issue of health care and I commend him for approaching the topic with students, who have a tendency to ignore the necessity and importance of health insurance.


Bike officials don't show responsibility

Parking enforcement student supervisor Ron Kalich wrote in his letter "Bike impoundment service necessary" (SN 7/30) that campus police removes "unwanted bicycles and improves the appearance of the university." The problem, he stated, is that students don't take the responsibility to register bikes, keep them in working condition, and lock them to bike racks.


Increase needed

When MSU President M. Peter McPherson's term began in 1994, one of his six major goals for the university was to increase diversity.


Contemporary class

The University of Michigan is still making headlines this summer. With the Chris Webber case over with and the affirmative action policy lawsuits out of the way, there is now a "traditional family organization" that wants to get rid of one of the university's offered courses. The course is an English class titled "How to Be Gay: Homosexuality and Initiation," and the American Family Association of Michigan wants the class banned because, to organization President Gary Glenn, the class admits homosexuality is a learned behavior. The class is supposed to help homosexuals identify with themselves, said David Halperin, the class instructor.


Teachers carrying guns only creates dangerous atmosphere

When two closely matched nations compete militarily against each other, often one will develop a new, powerful weapon, subsequently prompting the other to develop an even newer, more powerful weapon.During the Cold War, this precarious situation was commonplace, a competition which thankfully ended without a direct shot fired.Now, almost 15 years removed from the implosion of the Soviet Union, some members of the Conservative Right would like to bring the same stable serenity of an arms race to the high school classroom.


Atrocious attention

It seems if a person does something commendable in today's world, the issue is rarely covered. Sure, there might be a 10-second spot on the 6 o'clock news, but that's about it.But if a person does something against the law or morally wrong in society's eyes, we can't get enough of it.This is where the Kobe Bryant case comes into play.


Cellular School

There is a new state law allowing school districts to let middle and high school students bring cell phones into buildings.


DPPS must follow through on policies

Ron Kalich makes some good points in his letter "Bike impoundment service necessary" (SN 7/30). The Department of Police and Public Safety does have some good policies, such as removing bikes that are not registered or in disrepair.


Join together

If East Lansing and Ingham County can come together and offer a better service at a lower price, they owe it to their residents to do so. The proposed merger between East Lansing's 54-B District Court and Ingham County's 55th District Court might be an example of this.


Fessing up

There is something the phrases "flawed intelligence" and "the Bush administration" have in common.


Don't bet on it

Senators, representatives and the general public were right to be shocked and outraged upon learning of the Pentagon's plan to arrange a futures market dealing in terrorism. The brainchild of John Poindexter and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency would have allowed investors to basically place bets on acts of terrorism, including bombings, assassinations and coups in the Middle East.


'U' athletics over academics wrong

This letter is in response to James Bounds' letter "Athletics not cause for funds decrease" (SN 7/21), which was a reply to my original letter "Academics should get priority at 'U'" (SN 7/17). Apparently Bounds missed my point.