Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Combined center

The variety of shops, restaurants and bars which have sprung up in downtown East Lansing brings pride to all community residents - but the city landscape could always use some more diversity.


Power priority

Something is wrong when tuition goes up but the power goes down. Students don't expect all the comforts of home when they move into a residence hall, but with tuition rates as high as they are now, they should expect the basic necessities. The August blackout caused widespread problems across the northeastern United States, but it was déjá vu for many students living in Case and Yakeley halls.


Troubled testing

It's been said a million times: One test cannot accurately determine a person's true ability to succeed at the collegiate level.


Fire department cuts jeopardize city

I love living in East Lansing. I love working and raising my children in East Lansing. I love being a graduate of MSU, but I hate what is being done to the fire department in East Lansing, of which I am a proud member.


Common sense

Those green and white stickers in the dorm room which read "lock your doors" are there for a reason, but it looks like some people are not heeding the advice. MSU police reported 220 thefts during the first eight months of the year, a jump from 170 during the same time in 2002.


Stripper story shouldn't be in SN

We are students at MSU who enjoy reading The State News on a daily basis. However, on Monday our joy quickly turned into anger upon looking at the article "Stripped Down" (SN 9/8). Some students may enjoy reading an article about a stripper, but to display a full page devoted to explicit pictures is a disgrace to the university.


Abbas suggestion warrants two jokes

John O'Connor's recent column on the Palestinian conflict, "Road map politics further violence," (SN 9/5) ended with a cute comment suggesting that if Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas can't control extremists on his side, perhaps Israeli military action can do a better job. It reminds me of two jokes.


School options not open to everyone

I could not believe my eyes when I read journalism freshman Jennifer Passage's comment in response to the NAACP's racism complaint, "Students' reactions vary on NAACP racism complaint" (SN 9/8). I, for one, believe that the complaint is valid.


Hazardous hazing

The recent women's soccer player hazing incident is just another example of a pointless tradition that needs to be stopped.