Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Mentoring 'U'

Recognizing a problem is one thing, but if no one takes action to correct it, the problem remains. MSU has seen enrollment numbers go up among minority students, but retention numbers are still decreasing. Since the university can only do so much to keep students here, it is up to a small group of students to accomplish that task.


Intent to use gun not fazed by laws

Those who seek to ban otherwise legal firearms in East Lansing, Ferndale and anywhere else should understand that someone intent on murdering a person or shooting into a crowd will not be phased by a law that says they are not allowed to bring their handgun into a public place. If they are not concerned about the laws that would forbid murder, they certainly will not be deterred by those laws that say they cannot bring their gun to the library.


Boost of energy

Something has to give in order to make President Bush's new energy legislation agreeable to the vast majority.


False claim doesn't warrant information

I could not believe what I was reading when I read Kelly Hamilton's letter to the editor "Contraceptive information needed" (SN 9/11). I don't think the case of the East Lansing woman reporting a false rape highlights the need for increased contraception knowledge.


Number game

In 1855, the state Legislature passed an law to establish the Agricultural College of the State of Michigan.


Poor lifestyle can cause Freshman 15

In response to "Freshman 15 should not be perpetuated" (SN 9/10), the freshman 15 could be something to think about. I have observed friends and other peers around the campus who have gained a noticeable amount of weight after one or two years in college.


Stadium spending

Leave the six-pack on the shelf and break out the wine list - the Spartans are going upscale. The MSU Board of Trustees approved Friday a $61 million project that would upgrade Spartan Stadium.


Students shunned by E.L. officials

Students live in a harsh world these days. Our tuition was raised so the MSU police could buy Harley Davidsons, parking rates jumped so my bike could be stolen every summer by people in green shirts and now, thanks to the East Lansing City Council, I better be quiet.


Christian values go beyond politics

I would like to personally thank David Thompson for making me realize that I enjoy "environmental destruction, corporate abuse, war and violence, oppression of those with alternative lifestyles and refusal to assist in welfare for low-income citizens" simply because I am a conservative.


Out of time

The East Lansing City Council has already rained on the parade of party-loving students and ASMSU's umbrella is too small to stop the flood. Under the city's revised party-noise ordinance, offenders face a minimum of three days in jail and a $500 fine for a misdemeanor offense and a $1,000 fine for a civil infraction. Four party hosts drowned in the city council's storm last weekend as they were cited with misdemeanor offenses. As the puddles get deeper, MSU's undergraduate student government has finally stepped up to try to calm the storm.


Stabilizing service

It is the responsibility of the Residence Halls Association to keep close tabs on how student tax money is being used. After five years of having a contract with Waste Management for the campus recycling program, RHA is doubting whether the collected materials were recycled last year.