Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Welcome Back

When MSU President M. Peter McPherson left East Lansing to help establish a stable economy in Iraq, the university had endured one of the most tumultuous years in its history.


Millions ill spent on stadium updates

According to the article "'U' students upset about Spartan Stadium addition" (SN 9/17), the proposed addition doesn't make "cents." The addition will cost $61 million of which $11 million is being paid for by the university.


One loss doesn't hurt entire season

Upon my arrival here at MSU, the one thing I could not wait for were the football games. Sitting in the hot bleachers, yelling at the top of my lungs with my best friends seemed like heaven.


Variety wanted

Diversity is one of the thriving attributes of MSU's campus, and it is important for officials to keep this in mind when applications start rolling in. MSU's freshman class is expected to have a lower number of minority students than last year for the four major ethnic groups - black, Asian American and Pacific Islander, Native American and Chicano and Latino.


Economy suffers because of Bush

In response to Fred Sharp's letter condemning liberalism, I have a few things to say. First of all, liberalism is commonplace on college campuses because adolescents are liberal in general, although not all are members of the Democratic Party.


Bush, Republicans failed education

As a young American and a passionate Democrat, I feel compelled to respond to Fred Sharp's erroneous screed "Liberalism doesn't support higher education". Sharp regurgitates talking points from the extreme right wing but never bothers to present an iota of evidence to buttress his claims.


Letter has no 'rational thought'

This letter is intended as a response to Fred Sharp's letter "Liberalism doesn't support higher education". I will focus on "liberals and their anti-Americanism" and how the "left" is "anti-education." In the Soviet Union, dissidents were bitterly condemned as anti-Soviet because they condemned their state's crimes instead of marching in parades denouncing the crimes of official enemies.


Weapon scare

MSU is considered to be a home away from home for many students - just ask psychology junior Nicole Baer who calls Shaw Hall her "house." There is no reason for students to arm themselves here, because like Baer, one should feel safe in their own "house." MSU ranked No.


ASMSU lobbies for students in E.L.

I would like to formally clear up some confusion regarding the implementation of Ordinance 1053, also known as the "party ordinance," in East Lansing, my role and the role of ASMSU in lobbying for you, the students of MSU.


Heading north

Residents on Abbott Road are angry about traffic congestion - they should be. There isn't room downtown to house more students, so areas such as the Northern Tier will no doubt grow, bringing more cars along for the ride.


City officials engaged ASMSU

Let me begin by noting that a task force made recommendations addressing noise problems in a report which was generated after a particularly noisy autumn of 2002.


Publicity stunts fail to bring church enlightenment to 'U'

Many children grow up asking, "Why do I have to go to church?" I was one of those kids who stayed up all Saturday night playing video games, only to have to wake up early the next day to listen to some guy rant on about some other guy named Jesus. Sometimes I would have to go to Sunday school, where there was some child who knew the Bible by heart and made all the rest of the children feel stupid.



ASMSU has been making its demands loud and clear about the revised noise ordinance, but MSU's undergraduate student government was quiet as a mouse when the controversial ordinance was in its initial stages of development. Members of the organization have failed their constituents.


'U' can help quell society's ills with simple acts of kindness

Consider this a public service announcement. I'd like to see a member of the public serve someone other than him or herself or any ideologies he or she subscribes to (race, religion, creed, gender, political party), and often enough to make a difference in the general state of this community and the world.


Separation of church and state needed in Alabama issue

First things first. Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore is not Martin Luther King Jr., despite statements he has made in interviews comparing his disregard of a federal district court judge's order to remove a statue of the Ten Commandments from the state judicial building to King's civil disobedience that led him to serve time in jail in Birmingham, Ala., in 1963.On a very basic level, King ended up in jail for disobeying police, whereas Moore is getting a slap on the wrist.