Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



No excuses

MSU students might want to lock their doors, board up their windows and take cover. No, it's not a hurricane - it's yet another computer virus attack.


Arafat is obstacle in way of peace

Though Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat is a democratically elected leader, there will be no peace and security for Israelis and no rise in the standard of living for Palestinians unless he is removed from the scene.


Time to talk it out

ASMSU representative Adam Raezler jumped the gun when speaking on behalf of MSU's undergraduate student government at the latest Association of Michigan Universities conference. As a representative for ASMSU, he informed AMU that ASMSU was considering disassociation from the organization.


Graduate TAs bring experience to class

First of all, I want the reader to know that I am an international student and, where I lived, things worked in a substantially different way, so maybe my perspective could bring some fresh air to the discussion.


Walking to class isn't the end of the world; just read this

Recently, 40 percent of our metered parking spaces increased hourly rates from $1.25 to $1.50. This incited much commentary from enraged students who enjoy waking up five minutes before class expecting to rightfully land an open parking spot right next to the building where they have lecture. Yet despite the fact that all my classes are conveniently located at the farthest point imaginable from my house - somewhere near Canada, I think - I could care less about the increase, because I walk to class.


Drug Education

It's no surprise that college-age people party, but it's comforting that while MSU officials encourage responsibility, students are paying attention. The Office of National Drug Control Policy released a survey Tuesday which showed 21-year-olds are the leading group of 11 million people ages 12 to 65 who have driven under the influence of drugs.


Renovation money needed for classes

How about they throw some of those millions going toward the Spartan Stadium renovation into a photocopying and technology budget so students don't have to sit in outdated computer labs reading 200-page course packets that have been scanned onto the Internet?